Aiming is the most important aspect of a multiplayer shooter title like Rainbow Six Siege. It is infamous for having players peek corners and shoot at enemies in the slightest of visibility. Having a good game sense is very important, but a player won't be able to utilize it to the best if they cannot aim their crosshair and shoot accurately.

As players go higher up the ranks, a good aim becomes a must. From this point onwards, the difference in skill is mostly in terms of game sense. Thus, it is very important to have a stable aim at any rank. AimLabs is a platform available on Steam with training exercises that can help players improve their performance in any FPS game. For those looking to get better at Rainbow Six Siege, these routines are worth checking out.

7 Siege Lean Peek (Standard)

Rainbow Six Siege Lean Peek Standard

This AimLabs exercise is designed to meet the needs of Rainbow Six Siege players, especially the skill of leaning to peek corners efficiently. Peeking and shooting is an essential skill that everyone should master when playing the title. It enables the shooter to show little of themselves to the enemy, while still being able to aim and take shots.

This task requires players to lean both to the left and right, alternatively, and shoot at the targets while peeking at them. One must control the gun's recoil as well, which makes this exercise substantially challenging. Siege Lean Peek (Standard) also improves players' ability to flick targets.

6 Siege C4 Arcs (Standard)

Rainbow Six Siege C4 Arcs Standard

Siege C4 Arcs (Standard) tests players' ability to hold an angle through a window and shoot at the C4s that are thrown at them. These are thrown at regular intervals and players must aim and shoot the targets. Missing them would result in a loss of points.

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This exercise is practical and useful for improving one's aim since players get blown up by C4s occasionally. The primary challenge in this task is shooting them midair, since the C4s don't take long to blow up once they're on the ground. Thus, it also improves the ability to react faster and decreases reaction time.

5 Siege Scanning (Standard)

Rainbow Six Siege Scanning Standard

Siege Scanning (Standard) is similar to Siege Lean Peek. It requires players to lean peek and shoot two corners alternately. However, it is a more advanced version of the latter, which features three targets on each side. Players need to scan and shoot the targets on each side without taking much damage.

Once a side has been cleared, the player can move on to the other and repeat the same. The three red bars indicate the number of active enemies on each side. This task improves players' ability to engage with multiple enemies at the same time.

4 Kafe Entry (Standard)

Rainbow Six Siege Kafe Entry Standard

Kafe Entry (Standard) is one of the most practical exercises to practice entry in AimLabs. It takes players to the Kafe map of Rainbow Six Siege and puts targets in different locations. The targets are scattered all over the map and the player has to move from place to place, clearing enemies and making way for the team.

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The targets take three body shots and one headshot to destroy, thus making it important to get into a habit of placing the crosshair higher to aim for the head. Accurate body shots count as progress as well, but in that case, the time to kill and damage taken will be more.

3 Siege Multishot (Ultimate)

Rainbow Six Siege Multishot Ultimate

This AimLabs exercise focuses on shooting orbs at random while controlling the gun's recoil. Recoil control is the key to shooting accurately in multiplayer shooter titles. However, every gun has a different recoil, and players must get used to them while practicing.

Siege Multishot (Ultimate) helps players in deciding when to burst fire and when to single tap, based on the situation. In competitive shooter titles as such, the first bullet counts the most. Thus, it is important to be able to control recoil.

2 Siege Switchtrack (Ultimate)

Rainbow Six Siege Switchtrack Ultimate

Tracking enemies while they are moving is a skill that needs practice to get better at. Enemies won't be standing still in one place and shooting. Thus, players need to get used to moving targets. This is where tracking exercises come in handy.

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Siege Switchtrack (Ultimate) features moving orbs that players need to track until the health bar above them diminishes. Unlike the other exercises, it does not need one to shoot at the orbs but to keep the crosshair on them until they get destroyed.

1 Siege Detectionshot (Standard)

Rainbow Six Siege Detectionshot Standard

This AimLabs exercise trains visual detection ability by spawning orbs in random areas at random intervals. Players are required not only to detect the orbs, but also shoot and destroy them before they disappear. This task not only improves one's reflexes, but also the skill to flick targets in a short span of time.

Siege Detectionshot is a practical exercise since it simulates situations in-game where only a small part of the enemy (like their head) is visible and the player needs to detect that and take the shot.

Rainbow Six Siege is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. AimLabs is available to download on Steam.

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