Star Wars has a huge list of shows coming out in the coming years with most of them being based on popular pre-existing characters. Ahsoka is one such character who, since her inception, has proved to be a very popular character. A character that is very significant to the overall Star Wars universe across the Skywalker Saga timeline.

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Ahsoka will focus on the titular character during the New Republic era shortly after the end of the Original Trilogy. Fan reception to Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka has been largely positive and they are full of excitement for the upcoming show focused on Anakin Skywalker's former Apprentice. Ahsoka has a slightly elongated lifespan, which is something unknown about Twi'Leks, which has allowed the character to feature so prominently across a wide time span.

6 Lightsaber Fights

star wars eclipse lightsaber fight

It's almost inevitable that they are showing up but of course, fans will want to be seeing lightsaber fights during the Ahsoka series. She may not be a Jedi during the period the show covers but The Mandalorian Season 2 showed that she still has her lightsabers and uses them as her primary method of combat.

Since there are very few characters around who would have the access to a lightsaber as well as the skill to wield one, fans will be hoping to see the former Jedi engaging in a lightsaber duel at least once, especially when her lightsaber skills are bolstered by training she received from one of the best Jedi Masters; Anakin Skywalker.

5 Galaxy Exploration

Star Wars Force Unleashed Story Trailer

With The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett largely taking place on Tatooine, fans have begun wanting to see more from the Disney Plus Star Wars shows. More planets, more species, more exploration of the galaxy as a whole. The planets that prospered under the Empire as well as the planets that didn't.

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Ahsoka, no longer tied down to any Order or Rebellion, is free to explore the Galaxy as she sees fit, helping out in various ways across the cosmos. Fans will be hoping to see more planets and locations through Ahsoka's travels as she attempts to find Ezra and Thrawn, the latter of whom she is actively searching for as shown in The Mandalorian Season 2.

4 Internal Conflict

Darth Vader in star wars jedi fallen order

While being raised in the Jedi Temple from an early age, Ahsoka did not end up becoming a Jedi as first intended. During The Clone Wars, she leaves the Order due to the Council's willingness to believe she had committed a crime when being framed.

Although leaving the Jedi Order, fans have seen Ahsoka return to help the Rebels in the TV show as well as overseeing Luke's early days setting up the new Jedi Order. While she is clear on no longer being a Jedi, Ahsoka hasn't been truly able to give up the ways of a Jedi. It will be interesting for the Ahsoka series to explore this internal conflict and how the character manages to balance their own moral code against the choices they've made. Fans enjoy internal conflicts and popular movie anti-heroes are often lauded for their complex characterization.

3 Force Ghost Anakin

Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith

With Hayden Christensen confirmed to be reprising the role of Anakin in the Ahsoka show, fans will no doubt be hoping for a heart-to-heart between her and his Force Ghost.

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There is a lot of history between the two characters. Anakin trained Ahsoka, taking her on as his Padawan during The Clone Wars. During the Imperial Era, they fight while Anakin is one of the most powerful Sith Lords of all time, Darth Vader. With Ahsoka knowing and guiding Luke in his quest to rebuild the Jedi Order, there is a need for closure that the character will have with his father Anakin. With Hayden returning, fans believe it's likely this is what will be happening.

2 Return Of Old Friends

The Clones, Wrecker and Captain Rex from Star Wars.

Ahsoka is not just an important character in her own right, but she is also very well-connected to other important players in the Galaxy Far Far Away. Fans will be hoping to see some of those connections utilized and developed upon during her series, even if it plays into the comments of Disney Plus Star Wars shows engaging in "fan-service".

There is potential for the Martez sisters, introduced in Season 7 of The Clone Wars, to make their live-action debut. Sabine, one of the most powerful Mandalorians, would be a given. Captain Rex could show up and of course, Ezra will be making an appearance at some point even if not in Ahsoka's first season. With Ahsoka now knowing Luke Skywalker as well as the Mandalorian and Grogu, there is more likelihood that those characters will appear.

1 Return Of Old Villains

Star Wars Rebels Grand Admiral Thrawn

Just as fans are hoping for old friends to show back up in Ahsoka, so too are they hoping for the return of old villains. Whether these are side-villains from The Clone Wars that fought Ahsoka or maybe the Magistrate's people, seeking revenge on Ahsoka for the Magistrate's defeat at her hands.

The big villain that is most likely to re-appear is Grand Admiral Thrawn, an animated series character who needs a live-action debut, last seen heading into the Unknown Regions on a damaged Star Destroyer with Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger. Since it has been all but confirmed that Ezra will be appearing in live-action, Thrawn will have to appear too.

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