
  • Sabine's mistakes have costly consequences, often leading to the suffering of those around her, due to her lack of consideration for the outcomes of her actions.
  • Running away from her problems only exacerbates them, deepening the rift between her and her family and allowing the Empire to solidify its hold on Mandalore.
  • Sabine's misplaced trust in questionable individuals like Saw Gerrera and Baylan Skoll puts her and her companions in dangerous situations, highlighting her need for better judgment and common sense.

Sabine Wren has become a beloved part of the galaxy far, far away. Debuting as part of the ragtag crew in Star Wars Rebels, she quickly became a fan favorite. Because of that support, she recently made the jump to live-action with the Ahsoka TV series. Sabine's had countless heroic moments in these shows as both a Mandalorian and galactic freedom fighter. Like many intriguing heroes, though, she also makes mistakes.

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It just so happens that Sabine's mistakes are incredibly costly. They often come from not considering the consequences of her actions, and the people around her suffer as a result. Granted, it's understandable and even admirable for her to focus on her work. Sadly, that doesn't make it any easier for her or audiences to cope with these blunders.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

5 Building The "Duchess"

The Duchess in Star Wars Rebels

Sabine has always been creative with both art and explosives. It's just a matter of finding the right outlet for that creativity. As a kid, she doesn't have the best judgment in that regard. She not only enrolls in the Imperial Academy, but she designs advanced weaponry for the Empire. Those efforts eventually come back to bite her.

The Empire uses one of the weapons--codenamed "Duchess"--against her people. It targets Mandalorian armor and incinerates the wearer inside. Considering Mandalorians hold their armor as sacred and would be loath to fight without it, the tool guarantees they lose every battle. Sabine feels tremendous remorse, as would anyone who constructs a weapon of mass destruction. Unfortunately, that remorse leads her to another mistake.

4 Running Away

Sabine and her mother in Star Wars Rebels

Overcome with guilt, Sabine defects from the Empire. Her family banishes her, and they don't speak for several years. Rather than mending the wounds, though, this distance allows them to fester.

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The situation soon gets worse. The Empire solidifies its hold on Mandalore. Sabine's father becomes a political hostage; her brother unwillingly joins the Imperial Commandos; the clans now bow before a puppet ruler. Moreover, it all deepens the rift between the Wren family. If Sabine had stayed, she might have lessened the hostility, perhaps even concocting a workaround for the Duchess. Instead, she runs away from her problems. The act leaves her with an uphill battle when solving them later.

3 Trusting Saw

Saw Gerrera, Sabine, and Ezra in Star Wars Rebels

It's a wonder why anyone follows this clown. Saw Gerrera is a guerrilla fighter who combats the Empire with his unscrupulous band. He dislikes the mainline Rebels, and the feeling's mutual. Not only is he clearly unhinged, but his tactics often leave a trail of destruction and civilian casualties in their wake. In addition, he routinely abandons his supposed comrades as soon as the tide turns. Fans see this in both Star Wars Rebels and Jedi: Fallen Order. Needless to say, his deeds don't give him the best reputation.

That doesn't stop Sabine and Ezra Bridger from working with him on one occasion. Granted, they don't have much choice since they're stuck on his ship, but they still fail to anticipate his betrayal. They nearly die because of that error in judgment. The danger would have been nonexistent if they'd exercised a little common sense. It's not the last time Sabine misplaces her trust...

2 Trusting Baylan Skoll

Baylan and Sabine in Ahsoka

One of Sabine's primary goals in Ahsoka is to find Ezra, her friend who's lost in unknown space. She reluctantly joins Baylan Skoll in establishing a hyperspace route, but this is a boneheaded move for anyone without extreme tunnel vision.

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Sabine's reasoning has a million holes. The scene comes immediately after she witnesses Skoll push her master, Ahsoka Tano, off a cliff. Granted, her relationship with Tano is on the rocks due to the difficult training and the tragic death of her family. That said, Skoll and his lackeys are as obviously evil as any Sith Lord. They don't want the hyperspace route for anything good. In fact, they want to bring back Grand Admiral Thrawn: the Empire's Machiavellian tactician who vanished along with Ezra. Easily the most dangerous man in the galaxy, he could restore Imperial strength and decimate the New Republic. Sabine opens the door to that disaster for the sole purpose of seeing her friend again. She needs to sort out her priorities.

1 Surrendering The Darksaber

Sabine and the Darksaber in Star Wars Rebels

In their conflict with Darth Maul, the Rebels crewmembers find the Darksaber: the ancestral Mandalorian weapon he used to establish his rule over the clans in The Clone Wars. Sabine's friends convince her to wield the blade and unite her people against the Empire. She successfully does so, reconciling with her family in the process. She then resolves to continue her work, but that goes out the window when she meets Bo-Katan.

Sabine soon gifts her the Darksaber--a move which feels like a cheat. It severely undermines her previous arc and her promise to personally aid the people of Mandalore. Those people have to be fuming. They choose to follow a certain leader, but she abdicates the spot to someone else and expects her supporters to go along with it. In their eyes, Bo-Katan probably did little to earn the Darksaber. That concern turns out to be valid as she loses it to Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian. Sabine probably eats some space crow after hearing that.

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