Age of Wonders 4, the new 4X strategy from Triumph Studios, challenges players with a world filled with magic, monsters, and mysteries. In order to protect and grow their fledgling Faction in this hostile world, Age of Wonders 4 players must recruit units and build strong armies.

Whether its unlocking Resource Nodes, conquering hostile Factions, or clearing out Ancient Wonders, players' units will see almost constant combat in any Age of Wonders 4 game. Because of this, it's important to know the best ways to heal an army and get them combat-ready for the next fight.

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How to Heal Units on the Realm Map

Age of Wonders 4 Army Heal Spell

All Tome and Faction units in Age of Wonders 4 regenerate a small amount of HP at the end of each turn. However, a unit in a friendly Province will regenerate significantly more than a unit in unclaimed or hostile territory, and a unit directly in a friendly City will recover the most per turn. This passive healing can be further boosted through Empire Skills like Natural Recovery from the Nature Affinity tree, which increases passive regeneration in a friendly Domain by +15.

Beyond this natural healing, the best way to heal units on Age of Wonders 4's Realm map is through Tome Spells. Most Realm map healing Spells are found in the Nature or Order Affinity Tomes, with one of the best early options being the Tier 1 Tome of Faith's Army Heal. There are also some Tome Spells which only target specific unit types, like Restore Undead from the Tier 2 Tome of Necromancy, which restores 20HP to all Undead units in an army.

How to Heal Units in Combat

Age of Wonders 4 Blossom of Life Spell

Unlike most multiplayer turn-based strategy games, a unit healed in combat in Age of Wonders 4 will not keep that healing once it returns to the Realm map. This is because the vast majority of in-combat healing abilities restore Temporary HP, which only lasts until the end of the battle. On the plus side, there are many more ways to gain Temporary HP in battle than there are to heal units on the Realm map.

The most common way to heal units in combat in Age of Wonders 4 is by using Tome Spells, and there are Tomes from each Affinity that contain Spells which can grant Temporary HP to all units or to specific kinds of units. Additionally, some Tome Spells, like Healing Roots from the Tier 1 Tome of Roots, apply a Regeneration effect, causing the unit to regain additional Temporary HP over time. Finally, some Age of Wonders 4 Ruler Skills and Support units can also provide Temporary HP using their action points, like the Chaplain from the Tome of Faith of the Bannerman from the Feudal Culture.

Age Of Wonders 4 is available now on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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