Age Of Wonders 4 is the latest installment in the Age Of Wonders franchise. It brings a fresh, exciting rendition of the 4X experience to next-gen gamers. The latest release from Paradox Interactive is much like their other games: a strategy-based RPG that requires tactical thinking.

One of the key elements to developing a sound strategy in Age Of Wonders 4 is to utilize spells. There are two main types of spells in the game: Strategic and Tactical. There are plenty of Tactical spells to choose from, most of which fall into a few basic categories: buff, debuff, enchantments, summons, damage and healing. Here are some of the most useful Tactical spells that players can use and cast from those categories.

13 Arcane Bond

age of wonders 4 arcane bond spell icon

This fifth-tier spell from the Tome of Summoning is designed to be targeted at enemy Magic Origin units. When cast, the target has a90% chance of becoming Mind Controlled for two turns. If this fails, the target will take 30 Lightning Damage instead.

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This spell is especially useful because even if the Mind Control status fails, the target still takes damage, making this a great spell to use in most combat scenarios. This spell costs 45 mana and 30 operation points to cast.

12 Awaken Instincts

age of wonders 4 awaken instincts spell icon

Awaken Instincts is a seventh-tier spell from the Tome of Nature's Wrath and, when cast, affects all friendly units. This spell heals units with +15 Temporary Hit Points, allows them to regain all their Action Points, and grants them the Berserk status for two turns.

This is a perfect spell to use when players find themselves in a sticky situation and need a quick burst of energy to take back control. Casting this spell costs 150 mana and 60 operation points.

11 Battlefield Reanimation

age of wonders 4 battlefield reanimation spell icon

This tier-ten spell from the Tome of the Eternal Lord is an incredibly powerful spell that is guaranteed to shift a battle in the user's favor. When cast, all friendly Undead units come back to life with half their total Hit Points. On top of that, enemy corpses will come back to life as Tier One Zombies, and are under the player's control until the end of the battle.

This spell can be used towards the end of a fight to make quick work of any remaining opponents. Because of the power of this spell, it costs 50 Souls and 100 operation points to cast.

10 Chain Lightning

age of wonders 4 chain lightning spell icon

Chain Lightning is a tier-four spell from the Tome of Amplification. When targeted on an enemy unit, they will sustain 20 Lightning damage. The effect can even be passed on to another enemy within three hexes of the first target. The Lightning can pass on a total of two times.

This is a great damage spell for enemy units that are close together, so the spell can be used to its fullest potential. Its casting cost is 30 mana and 20 operation points.

9 Crushing Earth

age of wonders 4 crushing earth spell icon

This tier-five spell from the Tome of Terramancy is a great damage spell to use on enemy units that are Tier Three or lower. If the targeted enemy unit is of such a tier, they have a 60% chance of instantly dying. If the unit resists this effect, it is stunned and takes 40 Physical damage instead.

Crushing Earth can land a devastating blow on enemy forces. The casting cost of this spell is 45 mana and 30 operation points.

8 Demonic Onslaught

age of wonders 4 demonic onslaught spell icon

This ninth-tier spell from the Tome of the Chaos Lord is designed to make attacking units more ferocious in battle. When cast, this spell grants all attacking units the Killing Momentum status, and they're hastened for three turns.

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This can grant players a significant advantage against their opponents. If utilized strategically, players may be able to take out a few enemy units with the buffs granted. This spell costs 150 mana and 60 operation points to cast.

7 Disruption Wave

age of wonders 4 disruption wave spell icon

Disruption Wave is a tenth-tier spell from the Tome of the Arch Mage and can seriously disrupt the course of a battle. When cast, enemies will have Unit Enchantments disabled for three turns. Additionally, all their positive status effects will be removed, and all negative status effects from the player's units will be removed too.

This spell can give players the upper hand in an instant, and can be a saving grace when players are debilitated in battle. It costs 300 mana and 100 operation points.

6 Exalted Champion

age of wonders 4 exalted champion spell icon

This ninth-tier spell from the Tome of the God Emperor is designed to buff a friendly unit of the player's choice. For three turns, a targeted unit will deal +100% damage, and will gain +5 bolstered defense, +5 bolstered resistance, and +5 status protection.

This is perfect to buff units that are on the frontlines, consistently taking or dealing damage. Casting this on multiple units will give players a significant advantage. Casting this spell costs 150 mana and 60 operation points.

5 Mark Of Invulnerability

age of wonders 4 mark of invulnerability spell icon

Mark of Invulnerability is a tier-two spell from the Tome of Warding. Despite being a lower level, this spell is extremely useful in the heat of battle. When targeted on a friendly unit, they gain the Invulnerable status for one turn and all their negative status effects are removed.

Unfortunately, this spell can't be used on the same unit more than once per battle. It will be very useful in getting rid of nasty effects that might hinder friendly units. This spell only costs 15 mana and 15 operation points to cast.

4 Mass Rejuvenation

age of wonders 4 mass rejuvenation spell icon

Having a healing spell on hand is always a great idea to gain a tactical advantage. This tier-ten spell from the Tome of the Goddess of Nature is one of the best, especially for armies that have plants and animals in their ranks.

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When cast, all friendly units gain +40 Temporary Hit Points, and all dead friendly animals and plants are brought back to life with half their total Hit Points. This super handy healing spell costs 150 mana and 60 operation points to cast.

3 Meteor Shower

age of wonders 4 meteor shower spell icon

This eighth-tier spell from the Tome of the Crucible will devastate enemy forces. Upon use, two meteors will impact next to random enemies, as well as at the start of the player's turn. Each meteor deals 15 Fire damage and 15 Physical damage in a one hex radius. The spell lasts for three turns.

This is a great spell to use to land a hard hit on any foes with a great number of units. The casting cost of this spell is 200 mana and 80 operation points.

2 Rotting Explosion

age of wonders 4 rotting explosion spell icon

Rotting Explosion is a tier-three spell from the Tome of Necromancy and is useful in a life-or-death situation. When casting this spell, target a friendly Zombie unit. They'll explode, dealing 15 Frost damage and 15 Blight damage to enemies within a two hex radius. Within that same radius, enemies have a 90% chance of developing the Decaying status.

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This is especially useful if a player finds their units surrounded and wants a quick way to deal with enemy forces. The casting cost of this spell is 15 mana and 15 operation points.

1 Withering Mist

age of wonders 4 withering mist spell icon

Withering Mist is a ninth-tier spell from the Tome of the Eternal Lord and is a great choice for dealing damage and handing out some debuffs to enemy forces. For three turns, all enemy units will suffer 15 Frost damage, have a 90% chance of becoming Blind for one turn, and a 90% chance of becoming Weakened for three turns.

This would be a devastating blow to any army and players can use this spell to gain the advantage in combat. Casting this spell costs 100 mana and 50 operation points.

Age Of Wonders 4 is available to purchase and play on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series One and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Age Of Wonders 4: How To Win