Age Of Wonders 4 is the latest installment of the Age Of Wonders franchise from Paradox Interactive, and is the long-awaited sequel to Age Of Wonders 3. This 4X, strategy-focused RPG has become a fast favorite in the gaming community and amps up the 4X experience players have come to know and love from the studio.

One of the fundamentals of Age Of Wonders 4 is magic, which players utilize through spells. These are found by discovering and unlocking tomes through combat and exploration. Spells in Age Of Wonders 4 fall into a couple of categories, one of which is 'Strategic spells.' Knowing when and how to use these spells can make or break a tricky combat situation, so ensuring empires are equipped with the right spells is a priority. Players should experiment with different playstyles to see what works for them and how best they can achieve success in Age Of Wonders 4.

11 Army Heal

Age of Wonders 4 Regeneration Spell

A pretty basic spell but vital nonetheless, this spell heals the targeted friendly army for 20 Hit Points. This a tier-two spell costs 60 mana and 60 operation points to cast. Players can obtain this spell from the Tome of Faith, which contains spells and skills designed specifically for healing units.

RELATED: Age Of Wonders 4: How To Heal Units

It's an important part of any strategy game to look after combat units to ensure success. With this in mind, players should have at least one healing spell in their arsenal to stay at the top of their game and outlast their enemies.

10 Blizzard

age of wonders 4 city in snow terrain

This simple but effective spell is made to be targeted at enemy armies, and is sure to give players a tactical advantage if used strategically. When this spell is used, all units in the targeted army will sustain 20 Frost damage and will suffer -2 Status Resistance for 1 World Turn.

This spell is tier-three and is obtained through the Tome of Cryomancy, which specializes in dealing Frost damage and inflicting the Frozen condition. Players will benefit most from casting this spell, and then taking another action that will inflict a strategically beneficial status on the enemy army. The cost of this spell is 60 mana and 60 operation points.

9 Burden Of Guilt

age of wonders 4 burden of guilt spell icon

This tier-three spell is a great choice for players looking to get the upper hand on their opponents. Casting Burden of Guilt on an enemy army will cause them to sustain 10 Spirit damage, and they'll lose 50% of their Move Points on the World Map.

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If used correctly, this can give players a significant tactical advantage. Whether they're trying to get away or get closer, this spell is sure to come in clutch at the best time. This spell is acquired from the Tome of Inquisition and costs 60 mana and 60 operation points to cast.

8 Favorable Winds

age of wonders 4 world map

Designed to be cast on friendly water-based army units, this spell can give players a serious advantage if used at the right time. When cast, the targeted unit regains its Move Points. Due to the significant advantage this grants a single unit, it can only benefit from this spell once a turn.

Favorable Winds is useful for getting water-based units anywhere quickly, whether it's during combat or exploration. This third-tier spell is obtained through the Tome of Winds and costs 60 mana and 60 operation points to cast.

7 Harvest Population

age of wonders 4 harvest population spell icon

Harvest Population is a tier-seven spell from the Tome of the Reaper designed to be cast on friendly cities. For the cutthroat ruler who's not afraid of a little sacrifice, casting this spell will cause the targeted friendly city to lose a population of one and gain +60 Souls. If the city doesn't have a Hero, it will also lose 20 City Stability for five turns.

RELATED: Age Of Wonders 4: How To Hire New Heroes

The casting cost of this spell is 45 mana and 45 operation points.

6 Lightning Torrent

age of wonders 4 lightning torrent spell icon

This tier-three spell is designed to be cast on enemy units, and is perfect for dealing serious damage to any player's foes. Casting this spell will cause all units in a targeted enemy army to take 20 Lightning damage and suffer -2 Lightning Resistance for one World Turn.

This spell will be especially useful against opponents who may have a higher lightning resistance. A strategic use of this spell would be to cast it on an enemy army, and then deal lightning damage to increase damage output. This spell is found in the Tome of Evocation, which provides players with cheap and useful spells. The cost of this spell is 60 mana and 60 operation points.

5 Mass Recall

age of wonders 4 battle

Useful in a tight situation, this fifth-tier spell can save units from being obliterated, or can simply be a convenient way to get them back home. When this spell is cast on a friendly unit, they'll teleport back to the nearest owned city.

This spell is obtained through the Tome of Teleportation, which gives players access to skills and spells that allow the use of spatial magic, granting players a significant tactical advantage over their opponents. The cost of this spell is 100 mana and 100 operation points.

4 Nature's Bounty

age of wonders 4 city on world map

Designed to be targeted on a Province within a ruler's lands, this spell will heal nearby units for 15 Hit Points while they're in friendly territory for the next two World Turns. Affected units will also gain +15 to their Hit Point maximum.

This incredibly useful spell from the Tome of Paradise is perfect for healing up and preparing units for impending attacks or planned assaults. The cost of this seventh-tier spell is 120 mana and 120 operation points.

3 Restore Undead

age of wonders nekron

For all the necromantic fanatics out there, this one is a must-have. This tier-three spell from the Tome of Necromancy will restore 20 Hit Points to Undead units in a targeted friendly army. Healing spells are imperative to a ruler's success, and any army with Undead units will benefit greatly from having this at the ready.

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The cost of this spell is a little different from most strategic spells, costing 15 Souls and 15 operation points. Having this spell alongside the Harvest Population spell will ensure that, even in the most dire circumstances, players can keep their Undead units up and fighting.

2 Ritual of Somnia

age of wonders ritual of somnia spell icon

This seventh-tier spell from the Tome of Oblivion is designed to be cast on enemy armies and will leave them at a severe tactical disadvantage. When cast, all units in the targeted enemy army will have a 90% chance of becoming stunned for two turns. The spell lasts for one World Turn.

When used right, this spell can be a devastating blow to an opposing army and give players the upper hand in a battle. The cost of this spell is 120 mana and 120 operation points.

1 Veil of Darkness

age of wonders 4

And last, but by no means least, is Veil of Darkness. This fifth-tier spell from the Tome of Darkness is perfect for a quick getaway or a sneak attack. When cast on a friendly target who is leading an army, the entire army will gain Universal Camouflage for three turns. This is perfect for getting into and out of places without being seen.

The cost of this spell is 100 mana and 100 operation points, which is certainly worth the tactical advantage that it will grant any ruler.

Age Of Wonders 4 is available to purchase and play on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series One, and Xbox Series X.

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