Age Of Mythology is a spin-off from the Age Of Empires franchise which focuses on mythological stories featuring great heroes of Greek, Egyptian and Norse lore. While healing is generally considered a less important aspect of this game than others in the franchise, it can still be a useful way to save on the resources needed to train new units and get a damaged army back in fighting shape.

The best ways to heal units vary across the different civilizations. Different methods have varying degrees of success depending on how the player uses them, but all are viable options for bringing units back from the brink of death to full capability again.


A Valkyrie In Age Of Mythology


The Valkyrie is one of the most popular ways to heal in the game. They are myth units unlocked in the Norse civilization by following Freyja into the Classical Age. A Valkyrie can heal other units at a rate of 7.5HP per second if the unit is idle.

Having several Valkyrie units around can be a huge blessing. Not only are they far more capable at fighting than most healer units, but they are fast and agile in combat. There is also a piece of research available called “Aurora Borealis,” which gives the Valkyrie unit +50% attack and +33% healing rate.

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Healing Spring

The Healing Spring is a God Power achieved through following Forseti through the Classical Age. The Healing Spring can be placed down, but once placed, players have to retain “control” of the spring to use it. If an opponent gains control of the surrounding area, they will control the spring and can use it to heal their units instead.

The spring heals at a rate of 4HP per second. Unlike other healing methods, it will work on any idle unit in the nearby vicinity simultaneously, instead of working on only one unit at a time.


Pharaoh Unit In Age Of Mythology

Pharaohs and Priests

The Egyptian players will usually use Priest and Pharaoh units for their healing needs. While Priests and Pharaohs are always readily available, they aren’t as sturdy as the Valkyrie. Both are considered heroes, giving them the opportunity to pick up relics and a providing huge boost in fighting myth units. They are both ranged units.

However, in any form of combat other than against myth units, Pharaohs and Priests are weak and will be taken out swiftly. Players can find various upgrades for both units. “New Kingdom” allows two Pharaoh Units on the field at once and “Spirit Of Ma’At” allows Pharaohs to heal twice as fast. Priests heal units at the same rate as the Valkyrie of 7.5HP per second, while the Pharaoh heals at 10HP per second.

The Son of Osiris

The Son of Osiris is a god power which can be used by the Egyptians if they follow Osiris in the Mythic Age. The power is applied to a Pharaoh, turning him into a great warrior of incredible strength. The Son Of Osiris also retains the ability of the Pharaoh to heal.


A Greek Temple Of Healing

Healing Temple

The Greek players usually struggle to do much healing. There isn’t a specific unit that heals from this race, but there are ways to heal units anyway with certain technologies. The best of these is the Temple Of Healing perk.

While it is not the ideal way to restore health, the Temple Of Healing can heal one unit at a time standing nearby after the technology has been installed. The perk can be achieved by following Apollo in the Heroic Age, and will heal a nearby idle unit for 20HP per second.

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The other method to heal Greek units is to gain the God PowerRestoration. Achieved by following Athena in the Classical Age, this power is incredibly useful and will immediately heal numerous friendly units. It is one-time usage.

If a large army is in trouble, Restoration can be used and will last for eight seconds, continuously healing a large group of units at a rate of 30HP per second if the units are attacking, and 300HP per second if they are idle.


Behemoth Units And Other Atlantean Units


For the Atlantean race, there again aren’t many healing units, but the Servant is a water-based myth unit which can be obtained by following Oceanus at the Classical Age, and which can heal other units at a rate of 7.5HP per second. It can heal land units or other naval units, though it is faster for naval units.

The Servant isn’t a strong attacking force of a unit, but does have good armor and can get in and out of areas without being detected, due to being a water-based unit. This makes it useful in situations where armies are fighting near water.


Atlantean Units In Age Of Mythology

The Caladria unit is another Atlantean myth unit available to those following Oceanus in the Classical Age. While Servant units are confined to the water, the Caladria are flying units, meaning they can travel over land or water and can only be attacked by ranged units.

The Caladria has no attack ability, but are hard to take down and have a huge healing rate of 15HP per second for any idle unit, and they can heal at a range of 20M. These are double the stats of most other healing units, like the Valkyrie, making the Caladria incredibly useful to keep around despite their lack of attacking ability.


Myth Units From Age Of Mythology


As for the Chinese units, there is one main way to heal units, and that is by using the Monk unit. This is a fairly standard unit, with more attacking ability than an Egyptian priest, and a similar level of healing at a rate of 7.5HP per second for any idle unit in range.

However, the advantage of the Monk isn’t just in the ability to heal, but the ability to convert enemy units to the player’s side. This is a difficult ability as it isn’t certain to work each time, but can be hugely frustrating for enemy players to try and deal with. Keeping monks in any Chinese force is an important step towards victory.

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