Age Of Mythology is a classic entry in the Age Of Empires franchise, the main difference being the mythological aspects included in this spin-off. While the stories of the campaigns are heavily influenced by Greek, Egyptian, Norse, Atlantean and even Chinese mythology, the biggest gameplay aspect departure from other Age Of Empires games is the myth units.

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These powerful creatures of varying kinds can make or break an army, taking down entire civilizations in seconds if used correctly. While it is difficult to call the best myth units in the game and its expansions, there are some that are undeniably better to have around than others.


Cyclops Units In Age Of Mythology

One of the first myth units players will meet in the main campaign, a Cyclops is a well-recognized humanoid creature with one eye. They are large and like to carry around a club in their game form. A notable part of Greek Mythology, the Cyclops is one of the myth units unlocked at the second age of the Greek leveling system, unlocked by following Ares when leveling up to the Classical Age.

Cyclops is a mighty warrior with the ability to lift and throw an enemy unit for huge damage. Between that and a high health bar, the Cyclops is a great unit to get on any team, particularly for early-game attacks on enemies. They also batter buildings well, much better than almost anything Greek players will be able to get by that early stage of the game.


Behemoth Units And Other Atlantean Units

One of the Heroic Age Atlantean creatures, the Behemoth is good for some similar reasons to the Cyclops. A tank-like creature unlocked by following the Titan Rheia, the Behemoth has a huge health bar, and does excellent work against buildings. It is slower than the Cyclops but is hugely able to bring up the rear in any army for deadly strikes deep into the heart of the enemy territory.

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A Behemoth regenerates health as a special ability at the rate of 2HP per second and gets huge bonuses attacking against both buildings and other myth units. While it is slow-moving, it can be a great asset in defense as well as attack.

Fire Giant

Fire Giant Designs From Age Of Mythology

The Fire Giant is a Mythic Age unit in the Norse levels, which is literally a mass of fire and is able to throw fireballs to huge damage against units and buildings. The Fire Giant is a figure revered by Age of Mythology players for complete deadliness as a ranged unit. It can also be unlocked by following either Baldr or Hel in the Mythic Age.

To send several fire giants in against an enemy civilization, with some minor infantry back-up, is likely to destroy the civilization. The speed of destruction that occurs with several of them together, particularly when paired with their special ability to throw three fireballs at once, has been continuously devastating since the game’s release twenty years ago.


A Valkyrie In Age Of Mythology

Another Norse unit, the Valkyrie is different from the all-encompassing destruction of the Fire Giant. A Valkyrie, unlocked by following Freyja in the Classical Age, is a healer myth unit. It can charge with armies into battle with the speed of cavalry units, hold its own as a strong fighter, and also heal the other units around in the midst of combat.

This is an incredibly useful bit of strategy if used correctly, especially for several Valkyrie moving in at once at speed to heal large forces. The quick-striking potential of these creatures makes them hugely strategic.


A Scarab Fighting A Behemoth

The Scarab is another Egyptian myth unit, one which again acts like a tank. It moves fairly quickly, stays low to the ground, and can use its vicious pincers to do huge damage to units and buildings. Myth units that can move with speed and demolish buildings swiftly are invaluable, and if players seek to quickly strike into the heart of an enemy base then scarabs will be ideal, as their special ability causes huge poison damage nearby when they are killed.

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The scarab is unlocked by following Sekhmet through the Heroic Age while playing with the Egyptians. Scarabs are not the best infantry units, although they deal double damage to fellow myth units, but with a bit of cover they will get quickly deep into enemy territory and will wipe out forward bases with the greatest of ease.


An Einherjar Design From Age Of Mythology

Easily overlooked but an absolute menace on the battlefield, the Einherjar is another Norse unit. The Einherjar do not have particularly devastating attack stats and are very slow, but together in a group, they can turn an army into a deadly force. The Einherjar special ability gives a morale boost to all around it, which is helpful but turns into a massive deal with a large group of human soldiers around several Einherjar.

This means the attack boost can be sustained for lengthy periods of time and will end in the human soldiers likely destroying whatever they face. Einherjar can also be very useful for bringing down buildings, but alone are too slow to do that well against forces of speedier enemies. Einherjar can be unlocked by following Heimdall in the Classic Age.


A Colossus Fighting A Minotaur

While Age Of Mythology does a good job of balancing out units, so none are individually too powerful, the Colossus is a machine of utter destruction. A Greek unit unlocked by following Hephaestus in the Mythic Age, the Colossus has a massive health bar and huge attack stats. While slow-moving, this is the ultimate tank unit that will stop at nothing and can heal itself by consuming gold mines and trees.

This makes for the ultimate attack force. Several Colossi attacking nearly anything will bring it down before they can be stopped. Several of them attacking an army will probably win out, and very little can be done about them unless a number of heroes are involved.

Age of Mythology: Extended Version is available on PC.

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