Veterans of the Age of Empires franchise will no doubt remember taunting their friends and foes alike with iconic voice clips and sounds. Age of Empires 4 continues this tradition, allowing players to unlock and use taunts to mess with other players. This time around they have been included with a bit more intention, including methods to unlock more taunts, the ability to preview taunts before sending them, and even a separate audio slider specific to taunts. Players wanting to know more about how to unlock and use taunts should read on.

Using taunts in Age of Empires 4 is simple, but players will need to understand a few things first such as how to activate taunts, what taunts they have unlocked, and how to get more. With these things out of the way, players will be free to taunt away in their next game of Age of Empires 4.

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Age of Empires 4 - How to Activate Taunts

age of empires 4 taunts list
Image courtesy of

Every taunt in Age of Empires 4 is assigned a number. In order to send a taunt out, players just need to use the chat feature and type a forward slash (/) before the number. So if players want to use taunt 1, which simply says "yes," they need to type "/1" without the quotation marks. By default, the first 104 taunts are available to players, but the rest must be unlocked. Check the player profile screen for unlock requirements of the other taunts.

Age of Empires 4 - How to Disable Taunts or Change Volume

Chinese Civilization From Age Of Empires 4

For some players, taunts may not be the kind of thing they want to hear while playing Age of Empires 4. If this is the case, players can simply head to the settings menu, navigate over to online settings, and disable taunts altogether. Alternatively, players can also change the volume of taunts separate from the rest of the game volume if they just want taunts to be a little quieter or louder by visiting the Audio settings tab. This means players can disable taunts without needing to use cheats like in Age of Empires 2.​​​​​​​

Age of Empires 4 - View Available Taunts and Unlock Conditions

age of empires 4 unlockable taunts
Image courtesy of

As mentioned previously, all available taunts can be seen in the Player Profile Screen. Players can also see all taunts they have yet to unlock and view their unlock requirements from here. Using taunts can add an extra layer of humor to Age of Empires 4, and is certainly a fun way to remember iconic taunts from Age of Empires 2.

Age of Empires 4 is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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