Age of Empires 4 had a successful launch near the end of 2021. It’s easy to see why people want to play the new installment of the famous franchise. From the diversity of civilizations to the familiar feeling of playing this memorable RTS, there are many positives around it.

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Of course, the game is also suffering from some concerning negatives. Fortunately, Age of Empires 4 is in safe hands, and these negatives can be fixed in later updates (alongside some improvements and new civilizations). With that being said, here are the positives and the negatives of Age of Empires 4.

8 Positive: Civilization Diversity

Diverse Army Featuring Elephants From Age Of Empires 4

Age of Empires 4 has distinct and unique civilizations that allow gamers to choose what fits their playstyle best. For example, early raiders can go with some options like English. Meanwhile, players who can't stand staying in one place can play with the Mongols; this nomadic tribe is highly mobile.

This diversity also grants a strategic approach to online gameplay, where a team can combine different powers to create a force to be reckoned with. If gamers aren't happy with the current civilizations, then they shouldn't worry too much. The game promises new civilizations in the future.

7 Negative: Limited Population

Monk in front of English army

This one is obvious. It's unbelievable that an RTS game in 2021 has a 200 unit cap. When a battle arises, the armies facing each other will be limited to 50-100 units each. Even when conflicts occur between multiple factions, it doesn’t feel like an epic clash between civilizations. The limitation causes Age of Empires 4 to feel like a mini battle instead of a war game.

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Other than the lack of epic clashes, the cap also restricts players' combat capabilities. It restrains them from being able to fight on multiple battlefields or expands their lands.

6 Positive: Single Player Campaign

Successful Siege From Age Of Empires 4

Age of Empires 4 has a well-delivered Campaign that shows RTS games can, in fact, have a fantastic single-player mode. The game focuses on historical events and wars where each civilization approaches the game from a different perspective. It perfectly sets the mood for players to engage in missions with its top-notch cutscenes and narrations.

The narration is delivered with a soothing and relaxing tone as it recounts the occurrence of the historical event. This fantastic performance allows players to immerse and connect to the mission.

5 Negative: Clumsy Units

Growing Base From Age Of Empires 4

If there's anything tedious in Age of Empires 4, it's their clumsy units. The soldiers often forget what they are doing in battles. For example, players would find their archers busy shooting at an enemy building, causing them to lose the battle. As for Melee, they would lock on a target behind the enemy's line, getting themselves massacred as they attempt to pass through.

Other than clumsiness, the game also has a hideous auto-chase. Opponents can easily lure the army into an ambush if gamers aren't attentive enough. The only way to stop the auto-chase is to give them the order to Stand Ground. While this method works, it is far from practical.

4 Positive: Playing Through The Ages

English Monastery with two Relics

It’s so fun to advance through the ages of the game. Whatever civilization gamers choose, raising it is a pleasure. The game starts at the Dark Age, where players should focus on gathering the essential resources. The feudal Age comes shortly after. In that period, civilizations will start to poke each other by raiding villagers and fighting over resources.

However, the real war starts with the Castle Age. Keeps and Siege Workshops significantly raise most civilizations’ power, and opponents will aggressively begin to push for power and victory. Imperial Age is the period of Wonder. Players who seek to reach that age should be ready to build the Wonder right after and defend it immediately.

3 Negative: Unbalanced Combat

Age of Empires 4 - Soldiers attacking tower

Relic did an excellent job at keeping the game's identity with most of the new mechanics. However, some of them still need balancing. For instance, the new sure-hit mechanic for ranged troops favors archers and siege units in combat. Troops like Horse Archer or The Mangudai count on their hit-and-run tactic to inflict the most damage to their enemies. Their shots are sure hits while they suffer no penalty whatsoever.

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Other than that, because whoever built the Wonder first is likely to win, online games feel more like racing than playing. This method of victory should have a longer duration, especially of how strong the stone walls are.

2 Positive: Familiarity

age of empires 2 definitive edition

This game is perfect for any Age of Empires fan. Whether they played one version in their childhood or religiously grinded every new installment, everyone can enjoy the nostalgia. Things like building an empire, fighting countless armies, or defending a Wonder, all feel the same as the old versions.

With additional mechanics and civilizations, Age of Empires 4 offers both familiarity and refreshing improvements. Furthermore, the game’s graphics are optimized to run on some last-gen PCs, allowing more players to engage in the game.

1 Negative: Ancient tactics

Pitched Battle Featuring Infantry & Cavalry From Age Of Empires 4

Relic Entertainment is no stranger to RTS games. Unfortunately, with combat and tactics, they chose to take the safe road with a 24-year-old, last-gen game. Yes, Age of Empires’ tactics are already great on their own, but the franchise desperately needs to be revolutionized. The modern RTS games today offer much more tactics and solutions during combat.

For example, the army’s formations can have more diversity, like giving players the ability to choose where each unit stands in their formation. Or command archers to keep their distance whenever enemy soldiers approach them. Spearmen can have a guard stance where they would punish any careless cavaliers pushing through their lines.

Age of Empires 4 was released on October 28, 2021, and is currently available on PC.

MORE: Age of Empires 4 Review