Building the best nation is the main goal in Age of Empires 4. Of course, that and stomping on the opposing side of the battle. To win the war, players need effective resources management. Without it, a Civilization will find that they're unable to advance throughout the ages.

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Each faction in Age of Empires 4 has its own needs on resources. For example, Delhi Sultanate can easily play without spending much Gold. But for most Civilizations, Gold is the most crucial commodity for their growth. Inability to manage and farm Gold can lead to easy loss. Players can adopt multiple methods to build their Golden Empire. Some of these methods are essential while some are just a Civilization's specialty.

Common Methods To Get Gold In Age Of Empires 4

Common Methods

All Civilizations can collect Gold using these methods with some nations having slight benefits over the others.

Mining Gold

Mining gold

In the Dark Age, the area players start at will have one of each resource needed to develop the economy. One of the resources is Gold, obtainable via a Gold Vein. Players can build a Mining Camp next to it, and then assign Villagers to mine it. From midgame to the endgame, mining becomes more demanding, since players have to fight for the remaining Gold Veins.

For mining, the best faction is the Mongols. To advance to the Castle Age, they have a Landmark, Steppe Redoubt. It acts like a Ger and increases the amount of Gold dropped in it by 50%.



Reaching Feudal Age, players can build a Market that allows them to trade with other friendly or neutral Markets. To do so, players can buy a Trader and set its goal to trade from a specific Market. The Trader will then repeat the same process, visiting both markets and generating Gold. The amount of Gold produced by this method depends on how far the two Markets are from each other.

Some Civilizations, like the Mongols or the French, have Landmarks that act like improved Markets that would offer buffs to trading.


a Scholar collecting a Relic

During Castle Age, players will finally be able to recruit Religious units to heal their army. These units can also pick up Relics and capture Sacred Sites.

When picking up Relics, players can move the items to their Monastery to store them. Then, the Monastery will start generating Gold based on how many Relics are inside it.

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For the Chinese, in the Imperial Age, they can build up to three Pagoda. Each Pagoda can only take one Relic, but it generates more Gold. Meanwhile, the Holy Roman Empire’s Landmark, Regnitz Cathedral, can be built to advance to the Castle Age. It increases Gold generated by Relics by 200% and up to three Relics can be stored inside it.

Capturing Sacred Site

As for Sacred Sites, they are one of the three ways to win in Age of Empires 4. Capturing a Sacred Site during the Castle Age creates a continuous Gold production. Delhi Sultanate can build Mosques and research Sanctity in the Dark Age. It allows them to Capture Sacred Sites early and collects double the amount of Gold from these Sites.

Other Methods To Get Gold In Age Of Empires 4

Other Methods

Some Civilizations offer more ways to generate Gold. Sometimes, it can even be more viable than the common methods.

English Mills

English Mills

When playing the English in the Imperial Era, players can upgrade a technology inside their Mills called Enclosures. It upgrades their farms to produce one Gold every 3.5 seconds.

Chinese And Taxes

Chinese and Tax

Almost all buildings in the Chinese Civilization generate taxes. The Imperial Official is responsible for collecting these taxes. Players can recruit up to four Imperial Officials and they will automatically collect Gold if they are near certain buildings.

Additionally, when advancing to the Feudal Age, the Chinese Landmark, Imperial Academy, increases nearby buildings' tax accumulation by 100%. Players can also research Imperial Examinations to increase the Gold carried by imperial Officials by 100%. Those additions are essential for the endgame economy and make a great difference between the Chinese and other Civilizations.

Rus And Hunting Cabins

Rus and Hunting Cabins

At the start of the Dark Age, instead of Mills, Rus has a unique building called Hunting Cabins. It works exactly like Mills, with an addition. This unique building produces Gold based on the number of trees around it. There’s no limit to how many Hunting cabins players can build, so it can be a great boost for the Rus economy. When advancing to the Castle Age, Rus’ Landmark, High Trade House, acts as a Hunting Cabin and generates 200% more Gold from trees.

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Moreover, Rus units, especially Scouts, can get bonus Gold when killing animals scattered around the map. Hunting animals stack Gold until players reach a total of 500. It unlocks Tier 3 of Total Gold Accumulated and buff Gold generated by Hunting Cabins.

Raiding Mongols

Mongols plundering 100 gold and food

When playing with Mongols, the more players raid, the more resources they will plunder. In the Dark Age, Mongols can build a Stable immediately, giving them a great military advantage over other Civilizations. When burning enemies’ buildings, players will plunder 50 Food and Gold. The amount of Gold and Food created this way can be doubled by upgrading a technology located in Ovoo called Raid Bounty.

Age of Empires 4 was released on October 28, 2021, and is currently available on PC.

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