The French are one of the eight primary civilizations players can lead to glory in Age of Empires 4. Boasting a strong military as well as an efficient economy, the French can easily come to dominate all aspects of a match. They're also rather uncomplicated, which makes them a suitable faction for beginners.

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Knowing what makes the French civilization tick is essential before diving into a match, especially with human opponents. Fortunately, this guide will give players an idea of how to effectively take the reins of the French faction in Age of Empires 4.

Updated October 3, 2022 by Mark Hospodar: Age of Empires 4 has gone through a few changes since its release. Civilizations and their corresponding units, technologies, and bonuses have undergone various tweaks in an effort to rebalance them.

The French, of course, are no exception. This guide has been updated to include the changes that have been made to the French civilization. In addition, a table has been added that includes the French Masteries and their rewards.

An Overview Of The French Civilization

French Base From Age Of Empires 4

The French can rely on a robust economy while backed up by a formidable military. Specifically, French cavalry in the form of Royal Knights is a fearsome force to behold on the battlefield. Considering they pack a greater punch compared to their generic brethren, Royal Knights are devastating when at full charge.

The French also possess an edge in gunpowder technology. In the Imperial Age, French siege equipment is quite powerful. The French are also shrewd traders, able to utilize the Market more effectively compared to other factions. Their economic technologies are also cheaper, bestowing yet another advantage over their rivals.

French Civilization Bonuses

French Buildings From Age Of Empires 4

Similar to the other factions in the game, the French possess a core set of bonuses unique to their culture. Playing to these strengths is crucial when sparring against a skilled opponent. The Civilization Bonuses of the French include:

  • Town Centers Work Rate increased per age (10%, 15%, 20%, 20%)
  • Economic Technology 30% cheaper
  • Resource drop-off buildings cost -50% less
  • Trade Posts are revealed on the minimap at the start of a game
  • Trade Ships return 20% more resources
  • Traders can return any resources to the Market
  • Melee Damage techs are researched for free after each age up
  • Keeps reduce the cost of units at Archery Ranges and Stables produced within their Influence by -20%

The ability to produce Villagers at a faster clip is worth its weight in gold in the early game. Outproducing one's enemy is often crucial, and for that, a great abundance of Villagers is required. The bonuses the French possess regarding trade can prove very lucrative if players are smart about controlling the key points of the map.

Unique French Units

Royal Knights
  • Royal Knight
  • Arbalétrier
  • Cannon
  • Royal Ribauldequin

The Royal Knight represents the bread-and-butter of the French military. They're exceedingly well-armored and pack a significant punch. As long as they don't charge headlong into a wall of Spearmen, these Royal Knights can decimate scores of light infantry. Once their initial charge is spent, they can reform and repeat the tactic. They can be recruited starting in the Feudal Age.

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The Arbalétrier is another highly useful unit. As crossbowmen, they can shred through heavily armored infantry and cavalry. Their special ability, the use of a Pavise, grants them additional protection in the form of Ranged Armor. Cannon, unsurprisingly, represent a calamitous threat to buildings. Lastly, the Royal Ribauldequin is a more powerful version of the English Ribauldequin. It fires a murderous blast of artillery that pounds anyone unfortunate enough to be in front of it.

Unique French Technologies & Abilities

French Tech Tree From Age Of Empires 4
  • Royal Bloodlines
  • Chivalry
  • Cantled Saddles
  • Gambesons
  • Crossbow Stirrups
  • Enlistment Incentives

Royal Bloodlines increase the health of all cavalry by +35%. Chivalry allows Royal Knights to regenerate +1 health every 1-second when out of combat. Cantled Saddles increases Royal Knights' bonus damage after a charge by +10.

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Gambesons increase Arbalétrier melee armor by +5. Crossbow Stirrups reduce the reload time of Arbalétriers by -25%. Finally, Enlistment Incentives improves the French Influence by reducing unit costs by a further -5%.

French Naval Advantages

French Navy From Age Of Empires 4
  • Galleass
  • Long Guns

The French also make use of a few naval advantages that set them apart from other civilizations. Once again, the superiority of their artillery is clearly on display. The powerful Galleass incorporates a forward-mounted bombard cannon on its bow. Furthermore, the Long Guns upgrade increases the damage of naval cannons by +10%. As such, French ships aren't to be taken lightly.

French Landmarks

Chamber Of Commerce Landmark From Age Of Empires 4
  • School of Cavalry (Feudal Age, Military) – Acts as a Stable. All of your Stables produce units +20% faster.
  • Chamber of Commerce (Feudal Age, Economic) – Acts as a Market. All Traders and Trade Ships return +30% more resources to any Dock or Market.
  • Guild Hall (Castle Age, Economic) – Generates and stores resources over time, the more resources stored the faster they are generated. Select between Food, Wood, Stone, or Gold.
  • Royal Institute (Castle Age, Military) – Houses all technologies unique to the French. Research is -30% cheaper here and ignores Age requirements.
  • Red Palace (Imperial Age, Defensive) – Acts as a Keep. Features high-damage Arbalest emplacements. Each garrisoned unit adds an additional Arbalest.
  • College of Artillery (Imperial Age, Military) – Provides immediate access to produce Royal Artillery, which do +20% more damage.

French Masteries

French Masteries

Like the other civilizations in the game, players can complete a variety of special challenges geared specifically for the French. Completing these challenges rewards fans with 1,000 Experience Points and unlocks unique portraits/monuments/coats of arms as well as interesting tidbits regarding medieval history.




Waste Not

Construct 4 Resource drop-off buildings in the Dark Age

Portrait: French Coin Fun Fact: Cost of the Chevauchées

Wheels of Burden

Research Horticulture, Double Broadax, and Specialized Pick before reaching the Castle Age

Coat of Arms-Sigil: Sheaf of Wheat Fun Fact: The Jacquerie Revolt

Test Of Strength I

Win a 1v1 Custom or Skirmish match against the Easy A.I.

Fun Fact: The Black Death Portrait: Wolf

Horsing Around

Construct the School of Cavalry Landmark and then produce 20 cavalry units

Portrait: French Rider Fun Fact: Protection Money

Clever Commerce

Accrue 2000 Food, Wood, or Stone from Traders in the Feudal Age

Coat of Arms-Pattern: Fleur de Lis Banner Pattern Fun Fact: Black Monday

In Shining Armor

Produce 40 Royal Knights from a Stable under the influence of a nearby Keep

Portrait: French Crossbow Fun Fact: A War of Treaties

Test Of Strength II

Win a 1v1 Custom or Skirmish match against the Intermediate A.I.

Fun Fact: A Dash for Glory Monument: Sheperd

Swift Bolts

Research Crossbow Stirrups and defeat 20 enemy units with Arbalétriers

Portrait: French Armored Cavalry Fun Fact: A Battle of Bows

Paint It Red

Construct the Red Palace Landmark and use it to kill 30 enemies

Coat of Arms-Sigil: Fleur de Lis Fun Fact: The Champagne Fairs

Master Craftsmen

Accrue 2000 Food, Wood, Gold, or Stone from the Guild Hall Landmark in the Castle Age

Portrait: French Lancer Fun Fact: Staying in the Saddle

Test Of Strength III

Win a 1v1 Custom or Skirmish match against the Hard A.I.

Portrait: French Blacksmith Fun Fact: King of Glass


Win the match with a surviving army of 25 cavalry

Portrait: Blanche de Castile Fun Fact: The Pavise

Military Wharf

Kill 10 enemy units with Galleasses affected by the Armored Hull technology

Portrait: French Courtier Fun Fact: The Position of Honor

With A Flourish

Achieve a Wonder Victory while 20 Traders are active

Portrait: Jeanne D'Arc Fun Fact: The Bureau Brothers

Test Of Strength IV

Win a 1v1 Custom or Skirmish match against the Hardest A.I.

Coat of Arms-Frame: Pointed Dag Banner Shape Fun Fact: The Retrial of Jeanne D'Arc

Tips For Playing As The French

The French

Several French technologies and Landmarks focus on reducing the time it takes to produce units. Coupled with their potential economic power, the French can field large armies and replace losses relatively quickly. With a few upgrades thrown in for good measure, a French army's staying power is thus quite formidable.

By the late game, the French are masters of artillery. Their gunpowder siege equipment can render enemy fortifications obsolete. The French navy, in the form of the Galleass, possesses similar advantages. Thus, by the Imperial Age, the French are difficult opponents to dislodge. With Royal Knights, Arbaletrier, and artillery support, the French can dominate a battlefield in short order.

Age of Empires 4 is currently available on PC.

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