
  • Naval warfare in Age of Empires 4 varies depending on the map type, with some maps requiring a strong navy.
  • The English, French, Mongolian, Chinese, Abbasid Dynasty, and Holy Roman Empire civilizations each have unique strengths and strategies when it comes to naval warfare.
  • Players should prioritize specific technologies, build multiple Docks, and utilize unique units and upgrades to maximize their naval power and outproduce their opponents.

In Age of Empires 4, certain scenarios will require the player to establish dominance over the seas. When it comes to naval trade and warfare, not every civilization is equipped in the same manner. Although every faction in the game possesses its own unique naval benefits, some civilizations inevitably outshine others.

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The scale of naval warfare in Age of Empires 4 largely depends on the map type. For maps that contain significant bodies of water, building fast and sturdy fleets can't be avoided. Knowing which civilizations excel in the naval arena is useful information to keep in mind before a skirmish match commences.

Updated September 10, 2023 by Mark Hospodar: Naval warfare doesn't play a massive role in Age of Empires 4, but when it does occur, players need to be ready. No civilization in the game is completely inept at battles on the high seas. However, some factions possess a noticeable edge.

Now that Age of Empires 4 is finally playable on Xbox consoles, now is a great time to revisit some essential naval tips for players who enjoy playing on water maps.

7 The English Navy

English Navy From Age Of Empires 4

Generally speaking, the English civilization is adept in most forms of combat, including naval engagements. Their knack for constructing Farms with less Wood is a nice bonus when looking to expand one's navy. Ships need plenty of Wood, after all! In a highly competitive match, those extra resources can come in handy.

First and foremost, the English can make use of the Admiralty tech which bestows an extra +1 Range for all their Military Ships. When a fight breaks out, that additional range allows the English player to fire the first shot while an enemy vessel approaches. Furthermore, a civilization bonus reduces the cost of ships by -10%. Outproducing the enemy is crucial for a successful match.

English Naval Strategy

There aren't a lot of complicated nuances when it comes to the English naval strategy. Players should definitely look to prioritize the Admiralty technology at the Docks as soon as it becomes available in the Feudal Age. The amount of resources saved as a result of a discount adds up over time. In the long run, fans may be able to outproduce their enemies in terms of naval vessels.

6 The French Navy

French Navy From Age Of Empires 4

Players shouldn't discount the French civilization where naval warfare is concerned. Although the French faction doesn't possess the same naval production bonuses as other civilizations, their ships tend to be much deadlier on the seas. France's mastery over gunpowder makes them fearsome naval foes in the Imperial Age.

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The French can call upon a unique vessel, the Galleass, to fortify their navy. The Galleass employs a forward-mounted bombard cannon with significant range. In addition, the Long Guns naval technology further increases the damage of naval cannons by +15% as well as bonus damage. French guns, therefore, can decimate weaker fleets in no time at all.

French Naval Strategy

French artillery is a veritable menace, especially on the high seas. For them, getting to the Imperial Age as quickly as possible is the priority. For matches that start in the Dark Age, players should look to build Landmarks at every available opportunity. The Galleass and her associated upgrades make French vessels intimidating opponents. Fans who survive the early game can thrive in the late game.

5 The Mongolian Navy

Mongolian Navy From Age Of Empires 4

Despite their nomadic characteristics, the navy of the Mongol civilization still packs a punch. The Mongols gain strength by raiding and plundering their enemies. That situation is no different on the high seas. The Mongols are certainly equipped to terrorize the waterways in much the same manner as they do on land.

The Mongols are unequaled in terms of executing amphibious landings on enemy shorelines. Their Transport Ships have +50% health and +15% movement speed compared to other factions. Thus, Mongolian transports loaded with troops stand a better chance of making it to their destination intact. The Piracy naval technology also bestows on the player +25 Wood and +25 Gold when sinking an enemy ship.

Mongolian Naval Strategy

Fans shouldn't underestimate the power of the Piracy upgrade, especially on maps where naval warfare occurs frequently. An effective Mongolian navy only makes the rest of the military and economy stronger. Fans who can consistently wreck enemy navies will see extra Wood and Gold pour into their coffers. As such, tangling with a Mongolian navy is risky, considering losing a battle makes them stronger economically.

4 The Chinese Navy

Chinese Navy From Age Of Empires 4

A determined Chinese civilization can erect a sizeable fleet in no time. This faction possesses a few inherent civilization bonuses that aid in building construction speed and naval recruitment times. In this regard, attempting to outproduce the Chinese civilization in terms of fleets isn't always a straightforward endeavor.

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Villagers can construct buildings +100% faster than their rivals. This generally means that multiple Docks can be established in a speedier amount of time. In addition, the Docks themselves produce units and technologies +20% faster. The Extra Hammocks naval technology gives Chinese Junks the ability to fire one additional arrow in every volley, which translates to more firepower in a battle. Their unique naval technology, Thunderclap Bombs, allows Warships to fire an additional Nest of Bees attack.

Chinese Naval Strategy

Whereas other navies may excel at dealing damage, Chinese naval forces derive strength from numbers. Players should certainly prioritize building multiple Docks wherever room allows. Several Docks producing ships and upgrades at an advanced rate can quickly overwhelm slower-paced rivals. With the Extra Hammocks and Thunderclap Bombs upgrades, Chinese navies have the potential to be huge and nasty.

3 The Abbasid Dynasty's Navy

Abbasid Dynasty Navy From Age Of Empires 4

Although the Abbasid Dynasty is noted for its excellent mounted troops, its navy can also hold its own in a fight. The Abbasid Dynasty's economy has the potential to be transformed into a veritable powerhouse if players manage to reach the highest tier of a Golden Age. This, in turn, can aid the Abbasid navy a great deal.

Most importantly, Docks for the Abbasid Dynasty can be built -50% cheaper compared to other civilizations. With more Docks in the player's possession, recruiting a sizeable fleet relatively quickly is made possible. The Teak Masts naval technology increases the hit points of all Dhows by 10%. Thus, Abbasid ships have the capacity to outlast their opponents in a prolonged engagement.

Abbasid Dynasty Naval Strategy

As with other realms of the Abbasid military, the navy can greatly benefit from the effects of a Golden Age. Fans may want to consider prioritizing the House of Wisdom's Economic Wing to ensure an efficient supply of resources. This, coupled with the reduced cost of building ships, can result in a regular production line of cheap vessels that can be easily replaced in battles against tougher enemy navies.

2 The Rus Navy

Rus Navy From Age Of Empires 4

The Rus navy is perhaps the most flexible out of all the other civilizations. Their naval units are highly adaptable and capable of performing both economic and military actions with ease. The Rus' ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances makes them dangerous opponents in the right hands.

On the economic front, Fishing Ships belonging to the Rus don't need to embark on a return trip to the Dock to deposit their payload. As a result, Food collected through Fishing Ships is highly efficient. The Rus also have access to a unique line of Lodya ships. These vessels are cheap and can be converted into any other type of ship.

The main drawback to the Rus navy is that they can't produce gunpowder naval units, which makes them weak in the late game. However, their naval technologies help pick up some of the slack. With Adaptable Hulls,Lodya Attack Ships convert 100% faster and without any cost.

Rus Naval Strategy

In maps with large bodies of water, the Rus definitely shouldn't ignore the power of their Fishing Ships. Since no return trip to the Docks is necessary, protecting Fishing Ships becomes a lot less complicated. Advanced players shouldn't be shy about converting some of their vessels on the fly when the situation demands it. Since Wood and Gold tend to be plentiful for the Rus, expending the extra resources to convert a few ships shouldn't be too much trouble.

1 The Holy Roman Empire's Navy

HRE Navy in Age of Empires 4

Although the Holy Roman Empire civilization is principally known for its fearsome land units, the Germans are no slouch when it comes to the navy. A skillful player who knows how to leverage the Holy Roman Empire's potential as an economic powerhouse can transform its navy into an imposing force on the water.

HRE players who garrison relics inside their Docks will find that the attack speed of all their ships is increased by 5% for every relic (25% max). Villagers can also carry 40% more resources compared to other civs and benefit from other economic upgrades. As such, HRE players can amass a sizeable fleet of powerful ships in little time. The HRE also benefits from a unique technology called Fire Stations, which slowly heals military ships when they're outside of combat.

Holy Roman Empire Naval Strategy

When everything is considered, the HRE navy can become extremely powerful. To maximize their naval benefits, players will want to focus on building the economy as quickly as possible, which means cranking out a significant number of Villagers. It's also essential to hunt for relics on the map so that they can be garrisoned inside Docks. With a mighty economy, an HRE player will be able to pump out ships to overwhelm their enemies.

Age of Empires 4 is currently available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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