A reboot of what is perhaps one of the most beloved strategy games of all time, Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition brings the classic Age Of Empires experience to console players. It allows them to try out the game's different civilizations and maps and fight their way to victory and dominance against their foes.

Like many strategy games, AOE 2 can be fairly challenging to master, though. There's plenty for new players to get their heads around and a wide margin for error, especially in the early game. So, here are some key tips for beginner console players to Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition.

10 Learn The Early Game Inside And Out


There's arguably far more room for error in the later Ages in Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition than there is in the early game. With players largely defenseless and limited to using rudimentary technology and unit types, one mistake can cost them the entire game.

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So, players should focus their energy on mastering the early game when they first pick up AOE 2. They should learn what to avoid and what to prioritize in order to progress through the different Ages as quickly as possible, until they can establish their civilization and be in a far more advantageous position.

9 Specialize In A Civilization


Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition features over 30 civilizations that players can choose from. And, each of these civilizations has its own unit types, different kinds of buildings, strengths, weaknesses, and so on. Some of them have such an epic feel that they invoke similar emotions to some of the best grand strategy games out there.

When players are new to Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition, one of the best ways to adjust to the gameplay and have success early on is by focussing on learning how to effectively play as one civilization. This minimizes the learning curve while allowing the player to have some success, which makes it easier and more rewarding to learn the mechanics of AOE 2.

8 Keep Town Centers Active


When players first start a new game in Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition, one thing that they should keep in mind is that their Town Center should always be active in some way.

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Whether it's creating new units or conducting research, the Town Center is the engine that will drive the progress of player civilizations in Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition. And, the best way to keep this progress as consistent as possible is to ensure that the Town Center is always occupied. Once players get into the habit of doing so, the benefits speak for themselves.

7 Scouts Are Invaluable In The Early Game


The Scout is arguably one of the most underrated units in Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition. Upon starting a new game, one of the free units that players are granted is a Scout Cavalry. Learning how to make the most of this unit type can massively increase the success that players have in the early game.

Players should use the Scout Cavalry to find new resource supplies, as well as spy on opposing civilizations. This is a great way to learn the lay of the land, as well as keep an eye on the progress of one's enemies.

6 Practice Progressing To Feudal Age Quickly


There's more or less a set pattern of steps to follow that players can learn to reach the Feudal Age. Practicing this method will not only make players more efficient at playing through the Dark Age, but it will also help them to reach the Feudal Age more quickly. This predictability is something that makes AOE 2 a great introduction for beginners to RTS games.

One of the main advantages of progressing through the various Ages in Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition is that reaching a certain age before other players or civilizations means the player has access to more sophisticated units and technology than their foes.

5 Set Villager Priority Preset To Food In Dark Age


One of the new quality-of-life improvements introduced by the console version of Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition is the Villager Priority Preset function. In short, this allows players to choose what their villagers will prioritize when idle, negating the need for players to actively instruct their villagers on what to do.

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In the early game, players should set their Villager Priority Presets to food. Food is probably the single most important resource to prioritize in the Dark Age in particular. It's vital for creating new units and can be hard to come by before farming is possible (unless players cheat, of course).

4 Set Up A Steady Lumber Supply


Once players have established a steady flow of food into their town, their next priority should be sending villagers out to find a reliable supply of lumber and setting up a Lumber Camp.

Lumber is a crucial resource throughout every age in Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition, and is especially vital in the early game. It's necessary for building houses, for example, and players need enough houses to spawn enough villagers. The sooner players can establish a steady supply of Lumber, the sooner they'll generally be ready to progress from the Dark Age into the Feudal Age. It's a realistic necessity that is just part of what makes AOE 2one of the best co-op strategy games ever.

3 Build Walls Early And Often


It might sound obvious, but walls are a crucial part of effectively playing Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition with good defense. So, prioritize building walls to protect their towns from enemy armed forces (or rogue wild animals, if players decide to use certain cheats).

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There are a few ways of doing this. Players may like to build multiple sets of walls around key assets that are especially valuable. If players don't have the resources to build walls, then they can construct housing in lines in a way that mimics walls (this is a good temporary solution, in any case).

2 Don’t Rush Into War


In strategy games like Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition, it can be tempting to rush into war and take down opposing civilizations as soon as possible.

While the prospect of heading into battle might seem appealing (especially to fans of medieval fantasy series), players will often benefit from waiting until they're truly prepared to do so before commencing the attack on their enemies. Winning siege campaigns in Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition is often far more resource-consuming and draining than initially expected, so it's important to ensure that there are actually enough manpower and raw resources to get the job done first.

1 Have Fun!


It might sound obvious, but none of the tips on this list are going to be very helpful if players aren't actually enjoying playing AOE 2. This game is easily one of the stronger titles in the franchise and well worth putting the time into.

Ultimately, the play style and civilization that the player enjoys using the most is likely going to be the one that they're most successful with, too. So, players shouldn't be afraid to experiment with different approaches and civilizations until they find something that they can really get into. No matter how long this might take, it's worth it for the sheer hours of fun that AOE 2 can bring.

Age Of Empires 2: Definitive Edition is out now on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series S and X, and Xbox Cloud Gaming.

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