Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition has been released, and both new and old players are exploring the various aspects of the base game and the many expansions which are included in the new version. Whether players are completely new to the series or old veterans, they may be wondering which of the many available campaigns is the best to try out among the 27 available.

From well-known generals and heroes of history to some of the bloodiest and most devastating battles ever to take place, Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition explores a wild and varied selection of human history with warfare. Here are some of the most engaging that players can explore.

7 Tamerlane

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Tamerlane Campaign

Between 1336 and 1405, a man called Timur founded a dynasty through a series of conquests across Europe and Asia. Believed to have been one of the greatest tactical thinkers and military minds in history, Timur is the source of the first new campaign created for the Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition.

One of the campaigns in “The Last Khans,” all of which were created specifically for the release of the Definitive Edition, Tamerlane contains six scenarios. These battles resulted in the death of over 5% of the world’s population at the time in the bloody conquests as Timur tried to hold the former dynasties together.

6 Joan Of Arc

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Joan Of Arc Campaign

One of the earliest campaigns from the base game, Joan of Arc remains a brutal campaign to many fans of the series. The campaign still provides much strategical difficulty in trying to win on the harder difficulties, and is a great challenge for experienced players.

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Joan of Arc was a French warrior who led armies under a religious banner. While Joan’s short, tragic life is well-remembered by history for many reasons, including her inspirational leadership, her campaign in AoE2 is better remembered for the horrifically difficult to-beat English longbowmen, who plague players while they try to break through and come up with the wins across her scenarios.

5 Genghis Khan

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Genghis Khan Campaign

While not as satisfyingly diverse or cinematic as some of the other campaigns available in the game, Genghis Khan wins points for having such a uniquely fun style of attack. His units and the Mongols in general as a civilization are based on cavalry archers, which enable a lot of offense in a guerrilla warfare battle style.

This results in hugely satisfying gameplay. Players use charging cavalry archers to demolish armies and harass them, fighting against a variety of the best and most devastating opponents available to the annals of history. This makes Genghis Khan a fascinating and wide-spanning campaign to play.

4 Sforza

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Sforza Campaign

One of the most intriguingly different campaign play styles, Sforza was a mercenary who fought for the right price for a variety of Italian Prince's. In his scenarios, the armies have to be hired, which adds an intriguing gameplay aspect to the situation.

As an opportunist whose main goal was winning merely to get rich, Sforza seems very different from the normal kings and emperors, who are fighting to save their homelands or to create sweeping regions that they can rule over. This difference in gameplay is one of the more significant in AoE2, making the campaign a unique experience.

3 Attila The Hun

Attila The Hun Campaign

A campaign beloved by fans of the Age Of Empires series for years, the difficult and tumultuous life of Attila The Hun is represented across six scenarios. The fifth Attila scenario in particular is a beloved and well-remembered one by fans.

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Attila is one of the greatest barbarian rulers in history, and was known to the Roman Empire as the Scourge of God for the horrific way in which he would pillage and ransack entire cities of Rome. Despite a short stint as the leader of the Huns near the end of his life, Attila is remembered as one of the greatest leaders in history. The Attila campaign has long been praised for the diversity of the missions, which makes it highly enjoyable with a unique feel behind it.

2 Francisco De Almeida

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Francisco De Almeida Campaign

The campaign of Attila The Hun is appealing for the variety of missions available, but Francisco De Almeida gains similar points for having both the most beautiful map design and most cinematically satisfying campaign. It also boasts a wide variety of locations for the various scenarios in the campaign.

De Almeida was a Portuguese soldier who fought throughout his life and in his campaign in Portugal, Africa, and India. In Age of Empires 2, this makes for a great variety of opposition and locations which constantly changes up the style needed to win the scenarios.

1 Historical Battles

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Historical Battles Campaign

Either for the nostalgia of veteran Age Of Empires 2 players or the overall experience of the game and its style for newer players, Historical Battles is definitely one to check out most importantly when beginning to play Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition. A great collection of some of the more significant and world-changing battles in history, the Historical Battles campaign includes Agincourt, Hastings, and more.

These battles are a great example through the game of the variety, the difference in styles and the amazing storytelling that Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition has to offer. Playing through them makes for one of the most incredible experiences that can be had in this game.

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