
  • Observe AI patterns to anticipate their strategy.
  • Hit AI early before it gains momentum.
  • Focus on cost efficiency for economic success.

Despite its age among RTS titles, Age of Empires 2 proves its fast-paced gameplay combined with strategic advancement options added a new spin to the genre that remains compelling to play to this day. After all, with both progression and upgrades locked behind the concept of historical “Ages,” playthroughs of Age of Empires 2 now emphasize not just military supremacy, but also a depth of upgrades and strategic choice.

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The Game Boy Color may not have been a powerhouse console, but it still managed to run several excellent strategy games.

This extra challenge in Age of Empires 2 gameplay is made even more invigorating with the presence of AI opponents, where players can prepare for high-octane multiplayer matches by first mastering combat against them. However, with Age of Empires 2’s most difficult Extreme AI infamous for its quick kills and rushes, just how can players outperform a computer programmed exactly to maximize their gameplay options?

1 Try To Observe Common Patterns

Players Should Take Advantage Of Potential Slip-Ups

A Scout in Age of Empires 2
EffectObserving the AI via Scouts should reveal their current status and vital supply lines
  • Use Auto Scouting to attempt to locate vital points of the map
  • Once players have a vague idea of where the opponents are, sending a Scout there for a quick trip should also distract enemies for a while
  • Anticipate more aggressive behavior from the AI after Scout discovery, such as building more combative units

Even if the Extreme AI is touted as the highest difficulty setting in the Age of Empires title, it’s certainly not undefeatable. Before players decide on any winning strategy, they should check what their AI opponent is doing with Scouts and livestock that manage to travel there en route to the player’s Town Center. However, instead of just checking what the AI “is doing,” players should try to predict what their immediate movements imply.

For instance, high-difficulty AI always tends to rush opponents when their economies can support the push. If not Skirmishers and Archers, AI may also build Cavalry units for early attacks. Moreover, since the AI tends to focus hard on countering what players try to hit them back with, players should also form double counters to accommodate sudden shifts in strategy.

2 Abuse The Rush

Hit The AI Before It Can Out-Micro The Player

A fight in Age of Empires 2
EffectJumping the gun on opponents as soon as players hit Feudal Age should put enemies on the defensive, forcing them to approach combat on the player’s terms
  • After scouting the enemy, assess how close they are to Feudal Age and try to harass vital supply lines to distract enemies from their economy
  • Assess how players are close to their own Feudal Age to outpace the opponent

When the Extreme AI in Age of Empires 2 gameplay manages to attack players with a large army as soon as they hit the Feudal Age, then the AI likely has developed a consistent economy that players can’t immediately outpace. In turn, the best way to defeat Extreme AI in any match is to hit it before it gains momentum, which usually occurs in the gathering stages of the Dark Ages. When players get into the Feudal Age first, a few offensive units should do the trick against the AI’s base and will likely land the L to them.

While others see this strategy as “unfair” to the spirit of the RTS, players can use this opportunity to build their momentum against Extreme AI opponents slowly. Players can experiment with delaying their rushes to see how Extreme AI usually counters them and at what point during a match the AI starts to gain momentum. Identifying these moments can help players anticipate AI movements even outside the rush.

3 Cost Efficiency Is The Key To Economic Success

Always Aim To Spend Less Than What The Enemy Is Spending

Town Center advancing to the Feudal Age
EffectEnsure opponents lose out more than the player in conflicts, which can cripple their efficiency in the long run
  • Harass enemy supply lines by killing Villagers, forcing enemies to prioritize defending them instead of production
  • Lure opponents in further areas with Scouts while players work on their economy or harass other enemy Villagers
  • It’s more optimal to prepare groups of units versus enemies instead of wasting production on individual units checkpointed to an ongoing conflict

Due to Extreme AI being able to figure out the fastest way to maximize its economy at any given opportunity, Age of Empires 2 gameplay can prove challenging for players who simply try to outpace the AI in terms of economic development. Instead of waiting to amass many troops or easing one’s way into upgrades, players should take a page off the Extreme AI’s playbook: never stay idle.

10 Grand Strategy Games For Mastering Warfare Tactics

These grand strategy games are ideal for players eager to learn the art of strategic warfare.

At its core, players should always maximize their production and resources whenever possible. Moreover, players should stay on the lookout for how much more they need before advancing to the next Age and prepare accordingly. In turn, resource acquisition should always focus on what the following upgrade needs and nothing else. When done correctly, even a small raid from the player can lead to a huge setback on the AI’s part, as resources they can save up for upgrades will be spent defending their base or countering players instead.

4 Fast Track Into Feudal

How Players Enter Feudal Age Determines Their Momentum

Feudal Age in Age of Empires 2
  • Entering the Feudal Age first gives players access to more powerful units and structures at the onset
  • A few Feudal Age units can harass and kill enemy Villagers to cripple their economy before the enemy can make units to kill them
ProcessA recommended build order would be:
  • Villagers 1, 2, 3 build 2 Houses
  • V4, 5 focuses on Sheep
  • V6, 7, 8, 9 focuses on Wood
  • V10 lures Boar
  • V11 will build 2 Houses, 1 Mill
  • V12 will go to Boar (from V10)
  • V13, 14 focus on Berries
  • V15 will lure a second Board
  • V16 will focus on Berries
  • V17, 18 will focus on Boar
  • V19, 20 will build a Lumber Camp in a new Wood Line
  • Town Center researches Loom
  • Town Center queues Feudal Age
Once the player’s Sheep run out, the vacant Villagers must:
  • V1, 2, 3, 4 focus on Wood
  • V5 will build 1 Barracks, 1 House
  • V6, 7, 8 will focus on Gold
  • V9, 10 will focus on Straggler Trees

Despite how Age of Empires 2 games play across four upgrade tiers via Ages, it’s usually the Feudal Age that determines the momentum that may lead players or the Extreme AI to victory. When left unchecked, Extreme AI at Feudal Age will likely have enough resources to outpace the players until the endgame. In turn, players need to enter the Feudal Age and hit first as soon as possible.

An efficient way to do this is the 21-Pop Strategy, where players fast-track their entry into the Feudal Age by constructing a Lumber Camp, a Mill, and four Houses for the 22 Population cap during the Dark Age. At 20 Population, players can create two Scout Cavalry to attack their gold supply and their wood supply, which should send the AI in a panic to build units to counter the player. At this point, players should have their 21st to 22nd Villager prepared, sending them straight into Feudal while the enemy still tries to produce military units.

5 Fast Castle Secures Cashflow

Build The Castle First To Gain The Economic Advantage

Castle Rush in Age of Empires 2
  • Getting into the Feudal Age quickly gives access to potent ground troops like the Knight who takes a while to get killed
  • The proper build order can let Knights harass Villagers to stop enemy production while players advance across their Age
ProcessFrom the Feudal Age build order, the next steps should be:
  • V21 should build a Mining Camp
  • V22, 23 will mine more Gold
  • V24 should build a Barracks (if there isn’t one)
  • V25 or a vacant Wood Villager should build 1 Blacksmith, 1 Stable
  • Lumber Camp, Mill will queue available research
  • Town Center queues Castle Age

Feudal Age leading into Castle Age as soon as possible makes for one of the most classic build orders in Age of Empires 2 gameplay, and its efficiency against fellow players in multiplayer also works against Extreme AI. Building upon a fast track into Feudal Age, players should invest their subsequent Villagers in a new Lumber Camp and acquire more gold via a Mining Camp. From there, building the Barracks, Blacksmith, and Stable should unlock the requirements to proceed into Castle Age.

Should players do this correctly, they should be able to train two Knights to initiate an attack against the Extreme AI. By then, it’s likely that the AI is still training Skirmishers and Archers against players, which the Knights could resist. Even if the AI begins building counters against it, the difference in Age and upgrades should give players enough time to shore up their defenses.

6 Archer Rush Forces The Skirmisher Endgame

Push The AI Into An Unnecessary Corner With Archers

An Archer in Age of Empires 2
  • A double-ranged Archer can kill Villagers quickly at a much safer distance
  • The player’s Archer focus will force AI to predictably counter with Skirmishers, moving them away from Age progression
ProcessFrom the Feudal Age, the build order focus transitions into:
  • V21 should build a Mining Camp
  • V22, 23 will mine more Gold
  • V24 should build a Barracks (if there isn’t one)
  • V25, 26 should build 2 Archery Range
  • V27 should build Blacksmith
  • Blacksmith queues Fletching

An alternate rush build from the Fast Castle would be the Archer Rush, this time making sure Age of Empires 2 gameplay reaches Feudal Age first with a focus on Archers. To do this, Villagers will still use the same Fast Castle order until they reach Feudal Age, after which they should invest in a House, a Barracks, two Archery Ranges, and a Blacksmith. Once players do this, it’s important to research Fletching to give Archers a much-needed range stat boost.

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Gamers who enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from forging an empire from scratch will find much to love in these grand strategy games.

Theoretically, this should give players enough firepower to create Archers to either harass or outright kill enemy Villagers from a much further distance. Once the Extreme AI senses this, they will probably push much of their resources towards improving their Skirmishers. Should they do this, players should have ample time to upgrade to Castle Age and improve defenses.

7 Forward Castle Drop Can Cripple Progression

Pressure Opponents To Fight Castles

Castle Drop in Age of Empires 2
  • Unlocking the Castle Age gives access to the Castle, a powerful structure that can steal the focus of the enemy
  • The durability of the Castle can help players build an army and develop further while enemies waste resources destroying the structure
ProcessThis can use a modified Fast Castle setup, adjusting from V10 pursuing the Boar would be:
  • V10 focuses on Boar
  • V11, 12, 13, 14 focuses on 2 House, 1 Mill
  • V15, 16 will hunt Sheep or Boar
  • V17, 18, 19 will focus on Berries
  • Town Center queues Feudal Age
  • 1 Wood Villager builds 1 Market
  • 1 Wood Villager builds 1 Armory
  • V20, 21 will collect Wood from Stragglers
  • Town Center queues Castle Age
  • Berry Villagers will go to Wood, and then Farms
  • ALL OTHER Villagers focus on Stone
  • Queue Castle

While a castle can become one of the best defensive structures in a playthrough of this RTS, the right momentum can transform the fortress into a method of stopping the enemy’s progression. Known as the Forward Castle Drop, this Age of Empires 2 build sends the fight straight to the Extreme AI, forcing them to focus on destroying the Castle instead of their progression.

Doing this is similar to Fast Castle, except stone acquisition becomes a priority as soon as players enter Castle Age. As soon as players can build their first Castle, upgrades like Fletching can boost the Castle’s available attack range. This way, players can “drop” the castle close to the enemy’s Town Center or even close to routes with many of their VIllagers to harass them, forcing the Extreme AI to focus on the Castle instead of the player’s other developments.

8 Tower Rush Redirects Enemy Focus

A Much Cheaper Version Of Castle Drops

Tower Rush in Age of Empires 2
  • The cheaper Tower can harass Villagers near supply lines and may force enemies to focus on them
  • Towers built close to each other can help each other fend off reinforcements sent by enemies
  • Walling Towers built to harass the enemy can extend their time in the playthrough, further deterring the enemy's progression
ProcessAgain modifying the Fast Castle strategy, beginning with V10 hunting the Boar would result to:
  • V10 focuses on Boar
  • V11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 will focus on harvesting Sheep and Boar
  • Town Center queues Feudal Age
  • 1 Sheep Villager builds 1 Mining Camp
  • 1 Sheep Villager will build 1 Tower near the enemy’s Wood or Stone line
  • 5 Food Villagers will build 1 Mining Camp, then focus on Stone
  • V19, 20 will focus on Wood
  • 1 Vacant Villager builds 1 Tower within the range of the first Tower once it’s near completion

Players who want an alternative to the Castle Drop strategy when fighting Extreme AI may want to modify their Age of Empires 2 gameplay with the Tower Rush. As with the standard Castle Drop, the strategy remains the same up until players go beyond the Feudal Age and construct their Mining Camp.

With the right setup, players can drop Watch Towers near enemy resource lines to harass Villagers and force the AI to build units to destroy the player’s towers. Since these structures are less defensible than Castles but easier to build, players can garrison towers with Archers while Men-at-Arms stay nearby to protect them at melee. Ideally, players should set up towers within each other’s ranges and wall them to further pressure the enemy AI.

Age of Empires 2

PC , PS2
September 27, 1999
Ensemble Studios
Real-Time Strategy