Even after twenty-two years, Age of Empires II is still massively popular with fans. Its blend of real-time strategy coupled with historical immersion makes Age of Empires II a title that fans want to keep coming back to again and again. Many of the scenarios belonging to the game's single-player campaigns can be quite a challenge, especially on the higher difficulties.

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When things become a little too hard, the temptation to cheat can be hard to resist. Games in the Age of Empires series often contain a plethora of cheat codes that can make various aspects of the gameplay a breeze to overcome. Every code a player will ever need to conquer any obstacle in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edtion is included in this list. To activate a cheat, simply press Enter to display the chat function. Type in the code exactly as shown and press Enter again to witness the desired effect.

5 Resource Gathering Made Easy

Age Of Empires Collecting Resources From Age Of Empires II DE

One of the prime gameplay elements of Age of Empires II is resource-gathering. Nothing in the game can be built without first acquiring the necessary amount of resources. As any longtime fan of the series will surely know, these resources include Food, Gold, Wood, and Stone. Villagers must collect these four commodities at a fairly steady clip in order to maintain the edge over an opponent. This can be a time-consuming process, especially in the early game. Why wait when these helpful shortcuts can be used instead:

  • cheese steak jimmy's - 10,000 Food
  • robin hood - 10,000 Gold
  • lumberjack - 10,000 Wood
  • rock on - 10,000 Stone
  • ninjalui - 10,000 Food, Gold, Wood & Stone
  • aegis - Instant Construction

In Age of Empires II, 10,000 units of any resource is a massive sum. Villagers barely need to be trained at all using these codes. The last code on the list eliminates another impediment to the player's progress by instantly spawning any building under construction. Bases and armies will spring to life in no time using these nifty tools.

4 Manipulating The Environment

Boars Attacking Villagers From Age Of Empires II DE

Age of Empires II also allows for the game world to be manipulated in various ways. These cheats won't exactly be tremendously helpful, in a traditional sense. The purpose of these codes is to inject a little bit of humor into the game. There are also options to disable the in-game taunts in case those get a little too annoying. Don't expect to become extremely powerful when utilizing these cheats:

  • natural wonders - Control the Wildlife
  • woof woof - Turns Hawks Into Flying Dogs
  • !mute - Silences Taunts
  • !nomute - Reestablishes Taunts

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When controlling members of the human race gets too boring, try giving the wildlife a chance. Fans can fulfill their dreams of playing as a wild boar, sheep, or camel. Ever get tired of watching those annoying hawks fly across the screen? Turn them into dogs wearing capes instead! Dogs that fly, of course.

3 Instant Winning (& Losing)

Big Battle Scene From Age Of Empires II DE

Winning in a video game is always fun, but it usually requires some bit of work on the player's part first. Making progress "fair-and-square" is typically where the sense of accomplishment comes into play. Winning in Age of Empires II can be downright hard sometimes. There's no worse feeling for a gamer than having to restart from the beginning after hours of solid progress. It's in those dark moments when these cheats might just come in handy:

  • I r winner - Win Instantly
  • black death - Kill All Opponents
  • torpedo[number] - Kill a Single Opponent (Note: Insert that opponent's number from the diplomacy screen after "torpedo")

There's a range here on how brutally efficient the player wants to be in their victory. The first code will simply conclude the scenario in a victory for the player. The second will obliterate all enemies on the map, effectively achieving the same result. The last one eliminates only certain enemies. Conversely, maybe the player himself has had enough? Sometimes, rage-quitting feels like the right thing to do. In that case, try out these self-destructive codes:

  • Resign - Lose Instantly
  • wimpywimpywimpy - Kills the Player

2 Tweaking The Map

Massive Army From Age Of Empires II DE

The mini-map in Age of Empires II provides a wealth of information. However, not everything is immediately visible. Scouting is crucial to get the lay-of-the-land in the early game. Knowing where the enemy is located and how they intend to attack is vital in many campaign scenarios. It's also helpful to scope out where the resources are located. Surprises are undoubtedly unpleasant, so it's often just better to know for sure where and when things are going to happen. These codes prove to be lifesavers:

  • Marco - Reveals the Entire Map
  • Polo - Removes the Fog of War
  • noui - Disables UI

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The first code removes the black terra incognita on the mini-map so that the general terrain becomes visible. The second one eliminates the lingering fog of war from the map, allowing the player a complete view of the battlefield. The third simply disables the game's UI.

1 Interesting Unit Spawns

Cobra Car Cheat Spawn From Age Of Empires II DE

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition has its fair collection of heroes. These units, although they often need protecting, can still pack a hefty punch. However, none of them can hold a candle to these wacky unit spawns (Note: Make sure a Town Center is present for these codes to work properly):

  • how do you turn this on - Cobra Car
  • alpaca simulator - Alfred the Alpaca
  • furious the monkey boy - Monkey
  • to smithereens - Saboteur
  • I don't exist - Penguin
  • catzor - Cat/Shark
  • I love the monkey head - Useless Villager

Having trouble breaking down a medieval castle gate? Summon a sports car and blast it to pebbles! What about summoning a nearly invincible, talking llama? That can be arranged too! The best among them, however, may just be the "catzor" cheat, which spawns a unit that depicts a cat riding a shark equipped with jetpacks. They also shoot laser beams, in case players needed any more convincing.

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