After The Fall is an enjoyable co-op VR game. Since this game is set in post-apocalyptic Los Angeles filled with hordes of zombies (called snowbreed), being "enjoyable" means it's an exciting, adrenaline-fueled, experience full of panicked desperation.'s pretty good. It also helps that the developers have been very proactive at quickly rooting out any bugs discovered by players.

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So far, there isn't a huge variety of weapons in After the Fall – though, there's enough that players can't complain too much. Over time there will certainly be new weapons added to the game – *cough* flame thrower *cough*. When that happens this list will probably be updated; until then, here's every weapon in After the Fall, ranked from worst to best.


The SMG Uzi in After The Fall

The submachine gun in most first-person shooters is the go-to weapon for the majority of players. They offer the mobility of a pistol and the rapid-fire capability of an assault rifle. This holds true in After The Fall; however, there are some details about the SMG players should be aware of before going out harvesting with a one.

First, the SMG has a high rate of fire. This wouldn't be so bad, except without mods the SMG runs out of ammo very, very quickly – like two seconds quickly. If a player dual-wields SMGs, they should expect to run out of ammo within minutes of starting a harvesting run because dual-wielding does not increase the maximum amount of ammo a player can carry for a type of weapon. The SMG is also not very accurate without mods.

7 Service Pistol

The Service Pistol in After The Fall

This is the first weapon players get in After The Fall. As the name suggests, it is a standard service pistol. Having this gun is better than nothing, but not by much when a horde of snowbreed swarm the player. It doesn't run out of ammo too fast, but manual reloading takes a little while to learn to perform quickly and efficiently. There is an automatic reload, but players will want to stick with the manual reload at first.

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All-in-all, this weapon isn't that bad. It can kill the lesser zombies quickly enough; however, against the larger, stronger, zombies, the Service Pistol is lacking unless the player gives it a lot of modifications.

6 Pipe Bombs

Preparing to throw a Pipe Bomb in After The Fall

Pipe Bombs are the grenade-like weapon option given to players. Considering how many zombies can be onscreen, having some form of explosive is not just useful, but absolutely necessary at times. The larger zombies in After The Fall are extremely tough to take down, especially the giant bosses.

While playing After The Fall​​​​​​, there will be times that the number of zombies rushing towards a player is greater than the number of bullets they have for their weapons. At times like this, it's nice to have a Pipe Bomb that can instantly kill every enemy within a certain area.

5 Assault Carbine

The Assault Carbine in After The Fall

The Assault Carbine is a good standard weapon in After the Fall. It is not uncommon to find one of these whiles out harvesting. This weapon holds enough ammo (20 rounds) that players won't find themselves constantly reloading; which, as mentioned above, can take a little getting used to.

The Assault Carbine does sufficient damage and its ammunition is abundant enough that it makes a reliable primary weapon. This gun requires two hands to operate, so it's not quite as quick to draw and fire as a pistol. However, pistols are also a lot less accurate when not held steady with the off-hand.

4 MT-47

The MT-47 (AK-47) assault rifle in After The Fall

This MT-47 is clearly modeled after the AK-47. There isn't a reason to not carry this gun around as the primary weapon. This weapon has a good rate of fire, carries plenty of ammo in its magazine (20 rounds), and does a lot of damage. As a rifle, the MT-47 is also accurate, which is helpful for conserving ammunition.

With a little modification, the MT-47 gets good enough to allow a player to single-handedly take out a large group of zombies with ease. Unlock this weapon as soon as possible.

3 Wrist Rocket

The Wrist Rocket in After The Fall

Players have a device on their wrist that can be used to store items such as the color-coded disks and Juice Boosters (how players heal themselves and squadmates). This wrist device can also be used as a weapon, and it is a good one at that.

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This wrist device is capable of firing small rockets at multiple targets that do an insane amount of damage. These rockets also seek out snowbreed, making the Wrist Rockets a fire-and-forget option. This weapon can kill a whole group of zombies in seconds with one shot, and because they seek out the enemies, there is no chance of friendly fire incidents. This is a very satisfying, and potent, weapon.

2 Arizona Falcon

The Arizona Falcon (Desert Eagle) pistol in After The Fall

This high-caliber pistol is modeled on the Desert Eagle. This weapon has a lot of stopping power and great accuracy. Players will want to mod their Arizona Falcon(s) to carry more rounds, but the standard clip (8 rounds) isn't prohibitively small.

There's a reason the Arizona Falcon is ranked higher than the Assault Carbine and MT-47 – it can be dual-wielded. There's just something about dual-wielding pistols in games like this that increases the fun factor. Dual-wielding pistols is also a very efficient load-out due to the ability to fire in multiple directions simultaneously. Try using two Arizona Falcons; it's not only a blast, but it's also incredibly effective.

1 Pump-Action Shotgun

The Pump Shotgun in After The Fall

As with most zombie survival games, the shotgun in After The Fall is king. Shotguns are not long-range weapons, but in close quarters, they are absolutely devastating, especially if the enemies are grouped together. Zombies always mindlessly rush their target; this allows the shotgun to perform at a high level of efficiency.

In After The Fall, the shotgun can be fired one-handed. This allows a player to carry a shotgun in one hand and a pistol, or the SMG, in the other hand. The hand carrying the pistol can be used to pump the shotgun. This. Is. Fun.

After the Fall is available on PC and PS4.

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