
  • AEW: Fight Forever had a unique roster of wrestlers not seen in games before, but a sequel should prioritize adding big names that were missed.
  • Some notable wrestlers like Will Ospreay, Swerve Strickland, and Adam Copeland missed out on being included in AEW: Fight Forever, but could potentially be added to the roster in the sequel.
  • Samoa Joe and Brody King are other wrestlers who were surprisingly omitted from the game, and their inclusion in the next AEW game would be a big improvement.

AEW: Fight Forever included most of the promotion's most iconic stars in its roster, but the next game could include some big names that missed the cut. Since it features a lot of wrestlers that haven't been seen in games before, AEW: Fight Forever had one of the more unique rosters seen in the genre in recent years. Even so, a roster upgrade is still one of the first issues that a sequel should tackle.

After AEW burst onto the scene, there was a lot of hype for its first console game. Although AEW: Fight Forever ultimately received mixed reviews, the often disappointing history of WWE games left players hoping for an alternative. Fight Forever may not have taken the world by storm, but AEW could use it to make its second attempt far stronger in every aspect, from roster selection to gameplay polish.

AEW: Fight Forever's Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match Easter Egg Explained

AEW Fight Forever's Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match has an iconic history, and players can unlock a hilarious Easter egg for it.

Will Ospreay is One of AEW's Most Exciting High-Flyers

Will Ospreay in AEW

Will Ospreay is best known for his work in NJPW, but his role in AEW has steadily been growing. With an impressive array of acrobatic moves, Ospreay's nickname of The Aerial Assassin is one of the most fitting in the sport. Sadly, he ended up missing out on AEW's first game, robbing it of his flashy fighting style. While this might be a missed opportunity for AEW: Fight Forever, he could easily make the cut for the sequel.

Swerve Strickland is a Wrestler That is Impossible to Ignore

Swerve Strickland in AEW

Formerly known as Killshot from Lucha Underground, Swerve Strickland made a splash in NXT before finding his way to AEW. An ultra-confident and charismatic heel, Swerve's swagger and style complement his astonishing wrestling skills. Despite his former tag partner Keith Lee being in the game as DLC, Swerve himself missed the cut for AEW: Fight Forever, a snubbing that hopefully won't be repeated next time.

Adam Copeland is One of AEW's Biggest Names

Adam Copeland in his AEW Debut

After spending years as Edge in WWE, Adam Copeland became one of the highest-profile wrestlers to jump ship to AEW. However, he debuted in October, far too late to make AEW: Fight Forever's launch roster. Considering his high profile, if he's still in AEW by the time of the next game's release, he should be a shoo-in for the roster. The developers would be remiss to exclude one of the most famous wrestlers that AEW has to offer.

Bringing Adam Copeland into the next game could have the side effect of also adding his iconic theme song Metalingus, which came with him to AEW.

Samoa Joe is a Renowned Wrestler in Several Promotions

Samoa Joe in AEW

Samoa Joe has wrestled across the world, from his early days in the independents to his latest deal with AEW. With a combination of technical skill and power moves, he's an impressive wrestler on several levels. Having been in AEW for a year prior to Fight Forever's release, he's a surprising omission from the game that makes AEW: Fight Forever look outdated. The next AEW game would be making a big mistake if it leaves out Samoa Joe again.

5 Classic Match Types Still Missing From AEW Fight Forever

AEW Fight Forever may have weapons and storylines, but fans are looking for a number of classic wrestling matches still missing.

Brody King is a Powerhouse Missing From Fight Forever's Roster

Brody King in AEW

As a member of the House of Black, Brody King's career reached an exciting high after joining AEW. Having already won one title with the company, King is a fearsome big man with a lot of potential for the future. Malakai Black was an obvious choice for Fight Forever, but Brody missed the chance to join him. Hopefully Brody will be around to beef up the House of Black's ranks in the next game.

While it was a decent first effort, there are still many improvements that AEW: Fight Forever can make for its sequel. Bringing in some of the most notable omissions from the first game's roster should be among the top priorities for the next game, which would go a long way in helping the sequel to AEW: Fight Forever live up to its roster's potential.