Blizzard Battle! is the ninth mission in Advance Wars 1: Re-Boot Camp, and it tasks players with securing 12 cities for Orange Star. In order to complete that task, fans must capture and hold at least one city from across the river. This walkthrough is here to provide details on exactly how that is done, and it will help players earn an S-rank in Advance Wars 1: Re-Boot Camp's Blizzard Battle! mission.

To note, Max was selected as CO for the purposes of this walkthrough, though players should be able to complete Blizzard Battle! by using a similar strategy with Andy. Additionally, the mission was played on Advance Wars 1: Re-Boot Camp's Classic difficulty, which begins with one fewer Tank than the Casual setting.

RELATED: Advance Wars 1: Re-Boot Camp - Mission 1 Tank Ops! S-Rank Walkthrough

Advance Wars 1 Re-Boot Camp Walkthrough: Mission 09 Blizzard Battle!

Day 1

advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Medium Tank move up.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Tank move up.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Mech into APC.
  • APC move forward and drop Mech forward.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Mech move up.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry move up.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry start capture on city.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Build two Infantry.

Day 2

advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Mech start capture on city.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • APC move forward.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Mech move up.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Tank move forward.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Medium Tank move forward.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry finish capture on city.
  • Infantry move up.
  • Build two Infantry.

Day 3

advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Tank attack Artillery.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Medium Tank attack Tank.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry start capture on base.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Mech move forward.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Mech finish capture on city.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • APC move back.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry start capture on city.
  • Infantry move up.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Build Artillery.

Day 4

advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Mech move and attack Tank.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry complete capture on base.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Mech attack Artillery.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Artillery move up.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry complete capture on city.
  • Infantry move up.

Day 5

advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry start capture on city.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry move up.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Tank move back.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Artillery move forward.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Build Artillery in top base.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry move up.
  • Infantry start capture on top cities.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Mech start capture on city.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Medium Tank attack Infantry.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry move forward.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Build two Infantry.

Day 6

  • Both Artillery attack Medium Tank.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Tank attack Medium Tank.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry capture on city.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry move up to join capturing Infantry.
  • Infantry complete capture on top cities.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Mech complete capture on city.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Medium Tank attack Infantry.
  • Infantry move.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Build Infantry and Tank at bottom bases.

Day 7

advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Tank attack Infantry.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry complete capture on city.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Medium Tank attack Tank.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Mech move forward.
  • Units move.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Build Infantry and Tank at bottom bases.

Day 8

advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Medium Tank attack Recon.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Tank attack Infantry.
  • Infantry and Artillery attack Infantry.
advance wars mission 9 walkthrough 85
  • Infantry attack Infantry.
  • Units move.

Day 9

advance wars mission 9 walkthrough 88
  • Tank attack Infantry.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry attack Infantry.
advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough
  • Infantry start capture on city.

Day 10

advance wars blizzard battle walkthrough

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp is available now on Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Advance Wars 1: Re-Boot Camp - Mission 4 It's War! S-Rank Walkthrough