Tank Ops! is the first mission in Advance Wars 1: Re-Boot Camp, and it centers around driving Olaf away from Coral Fortress. While it is not extremely difficult to complete this preliminary mission, players that want to beat it with an S-rank will need to take some fairly specific actions. This guide is here to provide further details on those actions, and fans can find a day-by-day walkthrough of Advance Wars 1: Re-Boot Camp's Mission 1 in what follows.

To note, this walkthrough is certainly not the only path toward earning an S-rank in Advance Wars 1: Re-Boot Camp's Tank Ops! mission, and the final turns in particular can be approached in a variety of ways. Indeed, the key to those final turns is blocking the Medium Tank's movement while a unit captures the blue HQ, and there are many acceptable configurations. As such, fans of strategy games should not feel beholden to executing exactly what is depicted below.

RELATED: Advance Wars 1+2 Re-Boot Camp Owners Are Having Trouble Earning Their My Nintendo Gold Points

Advance Wars 1 Re-Boot Camp Walkthrough: Mission 01 Tank Ops!

Day 1

advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move Artillery to position across bridge.
  • Load top Mech into APC, move APC across bridge and to right of top-most building, and drop Mech into building.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move bottom twoInfantry directly down toward free cities.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move Tank to the free city in middle and attack Tank.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move remaining Infantry and Mech toward river, matching above image.

Day 2

advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move two bottom-leftInfantry into free cities and start capture.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move Artillery onto city from which Mech just moved.
  • Fire Tank at blue Artillery.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move remaining Infantry and Mech to match above image.

Day 3

advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Use Nelle'sPower.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Complete capture on bottom-left cities.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Fire Artillery at Tank with 9 health.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move APC back to top-left red city.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Fire Tank at Artillery.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Fire bottom Mech at remaining Tank.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move remaining Infantry and Mech to match image.

Day 4

advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Fire Artillery at Infantry with 8 health.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Fire top Mech at remaining Infantry.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Fire back Infantry at top Mech.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move top Infantry down to match image.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Fire Tank at top Mech.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move Mech down to match image.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move APC forward to match image.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move remaining Infantry forward to match image.

Day 5

advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move front Infantry down to match image.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move Artillery forward and up to match image.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move Infantry to city across bridge and start capture.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move bottomMech to city to left of bridge and start capture.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move bottom-leftInfantry forward to match image.

Day 6

advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Fire top Mech at Mech.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move APC down and load Mech.
advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move remaining units to match image.

Day 7

  • Advance units to match images.

Day 8

  • Advance units to match images.

Day 9

advance wars tank ops walkthrough
  • Move right Infantry onto HQ and start capture
  • Move APC onto bridge below Medium Tank and unload.
  • Move remaining units to match images.

Day 10

advance wars tank ops walkthrough

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp is available now on Nintendo Switch.

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