Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp has finally released for the Nintendo Switch after a lengthy delay, and has brought two classic Game Boy Advance games combined into one package for modern times. The portable strategy games of Advance Wars and Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising were both hits when released for the handheld over 20 years ago, and the two games can now be experienced by all players.

The package is a remake of both titles, though there are not many huge changes that would turn a lot of fans off of it. The graphics have been completely changed from 2D pixels to full 3D models, but the turn-based strategy gameplay remains the same. The content for both games are seemingly untouched as well, which means it should take roughly the same amount of time to beat Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp as if playing both games in the past. This guide will answer how long it will possibly take to beat the entire package of two games.

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How Long to Beat Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Campshould take around 40 hours to beat, and that number includes both Advance Wars and Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising. Of course, the number depends on the player's knowledge of the Advance Wars series and strategy games in general. Those that are deeply familiar with the series may breeze through it in less time, while new players may run into a few problems as the difficulty in both games increases.

While the graphics have been overhauled for the remake, the gameplay balance for both games have been largely untouched. It helped that both games were extremely polished with very few issues when first released, so only a few quality of life changes to cut down on some of the repetitive actions were necessary.

Although, both games in Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp are not the same in length. Advance Wars should take around 15–20 hours to beat, while Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising will take much longer at around 25–30 hours to beat.

These numbers are only counted for the main story to see it to the end, and do not include optional objectives or replaying older missions to get better ratings. The remake also contains multiplayer to battle against other players both locally and online, and a map editor for players to make their own custom battlefields.

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp is now available for the Nintendo Switch.

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