Upon starting Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp, players will be instructed to select between two difficulty settings. Those settings are Casual, which is intended "for players just starting out," and Classic, which is "for experienced players looking for a challenge." For those fans that would like to know more about how Casual and Classic in Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp differ from one another, this guide contains details on these settings.

Advance Wars 1+2 Re-Boot Camp Difficulty Explained

The difficulty setting in Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp can impact missions in two primary ways. The first is that difficulty can inform the number of units that a fan receives at the beginning of a mission, with Casual players starting some missions with more units than those that opt for the Classic setting. The second is that difficulty can determine the types of units that an opponent puts forth. For example, the Mighty Kanbei! mission played on Classic features several opposing Medium Tanks, which are replaced with standard Tanks for Casual difficulty.

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To note, players need not put a great deal of thought toward difficulty prior to starting a campaign, as they can change the setting at any time. To perform this change, fans must simply highlight the relevant save file, press Y, and select the desired difficulty option, and they should feel free to swap between Classic and Casual as much as they want. This holds true even for players that are interested in unlocking all the COs in Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp, as none of them are tied to a specific difficulty.

advance wars reboot camp difficult settings

While players will initially have access to just Casual and Classic, there is actually a third difficulty setting in Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp. That setting is Challenge, and it is equivalent to the original Advance Wars' Advance setting and the original Advance Wars 2's Hard setting. Fans of tactics video games will unlock that setting in Hachi's Shop upon completion of the campaigns on either Casual or Classic, and indeed they make each of the game's mission much more difficult.

With respect to how long it will take players to complete those campaigns and unlock Challenge difficulty, Advance Wars 1 is around 15 hours long, and Advance Wars 2 is approximately 25 hours long. This means that fans should expect to spend at least 40 hours beating Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp's campaigns for the first time, and the experience can be prolonged even further with the Dressing Room, Versus and Online modes, and War Room.

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp is available now on Nintendo Switch.

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