Adidas has revealed a new line of Pokemon slides featuring the franchise's beloved Mascot Pikachu, but though they are cute, there's a catch. The adorable footwear is only available in kid sizes, and to make matters worse it is already sold out despite being unveiled so recently.

These slides come as the latest in a long line of colabs that Adidas has been doing lately. Before Pokemon, other popular franchises were represented as well, and other Pokemon merch has even been sold by the company before. It's no surprise that the slides were so popular and sold out almost immediately.

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Even still, that doesn't make it any less unfortunate that it will be difficult (if not impossible) for kids to get their hands on a pair of these, and the decision to make them in only kid sizes seems odd too given Pokemon's age demographic is steadily increasing as the years go on.

Pokemon Pikachu Adidas Slides

With any luck, these adorable slides will find their way back onto the market again, and given their immediate success, it would seem likely that Adidas would replicate the move. Perhaps in the future other Pokemon aside from Pikachu will be represented as well, but that is just speculation.

Adidas is now selling Pokemon slides.

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Source: Kotaku