The Lunden arc in Assassin's Creed Valhalla concludes with a confrontation of the Compass, the leader of the Order of Ancients in this portion of England. This quest quickly turns from an investigation to a massive conflict along the streets of Lunden.

With different strategies available to players and multiple steps, Smashing the Compass can be a difficult prospect. For those players looking to learn more about this quest in Assassin's Creed Valhalla and the impact of the decisions within it, this guide is here to help.

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How to Start Smashing the Compass and Escape the Cathedral

With the conclusion of either Bleeding the Leech or Firing the Arrow, Smashing the Compass begins by players meeting with the Reeves of Lunden, Stowe and Erke. These two characters are both within St. Paul's Cathedral, near the center of the city. Entering here and approaching the pair will begin the cutscene. After this ends, players must escape from this cathedral.

ac valhalla burning cathedral

Head up the wooden scaffolding on the left side, up to the cross-beams, and up to the second floor through the partially blocked door. Inside this room, climb up the bell tower and break through the wooden barrier to trigger the next cutscene. There are no important decisions in this scene rather Eivor discovers that the Compass has launched his attack on Lunden. Climb down the cathedral walls and to the entrance that faces the river. Players need to clear this area of enemies and unblock the door in order to save Stowe and Erke.

How to Get to the Compass

In conversation with Stowe and Erke, players will be presented with a trio of options on how to pursue the rest of this quest. Unlike some decisions in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, this choice will decide how the rest of this quest plays out.

different paths compass ac valhalla
  • Springalds with Stowe - This choice brings players to the west and then south along the river. Players will join in with Stowe (one of the characters with which a romance is hinted at) as he uses a springald on the boats in the Thames and on the soldiers by the docks. Players can fire off as many rounds as they please but will eventually need to make their way to the farthest boat and confront the Compass.
  • Flanking with Erke - Instead of working to the west, players head directly south and along the rooftops towards the Thames. Erke will leave players at the riverbank, and they have the choice to work their way along the floating debris and vessels and sneak up on the Compass. Making this path challenging are the springalds on the ships that can strike players.
  • I'll Go Alone - The final option leaves it up to the player on how to pursue the hunt for the Compass. Regardless of choice, however, the Compass will always be on the farthest ship in the Thames River.

How to Defeat the Compass

Once out in the water, the final battle of this arc can be triggered when players open up combat with the Compass. This member of the Order of Ancients is a massive figure with a lengthy flail. He has at least a trio of unblockable attacks that feature the typical red warning symbol. While powerful, the Compass moves a bit slow and can be lured into the areas where explosive jars rest. Exploding these at the right time can make this fight go by much easier.

ac valhalla fighting the compass

The strategy that players employ should be to make use of those environmental advantages and use quick dodges to get to the Compass's sides. Wearing him down and lighting him ablaze should make quick work of this Order of Ancients member. With the Compass dead, players just have to return to shore in order to speak with Stowe and Erke and complete this quest and conclude the Lunden arc.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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