As part of the Lunden arc in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, players need to track down one of the Order of Ancients known simply as the Leech. The hunt for this shadowy figure will take players to one of the darker corners of medieval Lunden and task players with sharpening their stealth skills.

This happens in the Bleeding the Leech quest, which can either follow Firing the Arrow or Walls and Shadows in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. For those players looking to complete Bleeding the Leech, this guide is here to help.

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Where to Start Bleeding the Leech?

Regardless of if players have completed Firing the Arrow or not, Bleeding the Leech begins at Lunden's docks. One of the two Reeves of this city, Erke, can be found here just to the south of the Temple of Sulis Minerva. Approaching him will begin the quest and a cutscene. To continue this quest, players need to make their way to the east, but not until night has fallen. Locate the crate underneath the bridge that stretches across the Thames River and interact with it to hide. This draws out the character players must follow.

lunden docks ac valhalla

How to Get Information from the Blacksmith?

Following this character along the rooftops makes this portion simpler, and eventually, players will arrive at Bodilsburg Garrison in the eastern portion of Lunden. As its name implies, this area is heavily guarded, but stealthy players can get to the Blacksmith without raising the alarm.

lunden bridge ac valhalla

This character is inside the eastern, tall building in this garrison, and there is a rope line from the back wall to a tree that will allow players to get atop the roof of the Blacksmith's place. Breaking the ceiling wall and hopping inside will activate a conversation.

There are three options in the resulting conversation, which include inciting violence, using charisma, or risking a lie. While there are pivotal moments in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, this is not one of those. Regardless of choice, however, players will have to kill the Blacksmith and continue to track down the Leech.

ac valhalla blacksmith in lunden

Where to Find the Leech?

From the Bodilsburg Garrison, the Leech can be found to the west and within one of the roman ruins in the city. This massive structure with its courtyard is heavily guarded, but there is a way through to this member of the Order of Ancients without having to fight. Along the northern roof is an entrance guarded by just a pair of archers. This window allows for easy access to the Leech's hidden location.

ac valhalla hunting guards in lunden

Just inside the building, players need to walk along the wooden beams and rope that lead to the far side of the room until they see the Leech. This character roams around the area but can primarily be found in this backroom.

Assassinating her can be accomplished unnoticed, and players can climb back up and use the same entry point to escape. Report back to Erke (who can be found just at the rear of the Governor's Villa) to enter into the final conversation.

ac valhalla the leech

In this conversation, Assassin's Creed Valhalla presents players with a choice: to keep or burn the Leech's book. Choosing to burn the book results in its destruction, while allowing it to exist comes with the justification that the victims died for something. Unfortunately, neither choice impacts the game's overall narrative, and the mission ends.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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