Known for its creative take on historical fiction, the Assassin's Creed franchise is no stranger to recreating beautiful monuments of the past. Assassin's Creed Odyssey, the eleventh installment in the franchise and second in the Origins series, is no exception. With AC slowly going through iconic time periods and immersing players into a world filled with living history with a side of science fiction, it was only a matter of time before players found themselves in Greece.

Despite the game being released in 2018, players are still finding ways to enjoy exploring the expansive map. Whether they play as Kassandra or Alexios, each playthrough has the potential to be different from the last.

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Like other games in the franchise, Ubisoft developers merged historical events with the fictional world of Assassins. And like its predecessors, AC Odyssey delivers a variety of artistic renditions of ancient architecture.

10 Akropolis Of Argos

ACO Akropolis of Argos

The Eagle Bearer first encounters the Akropolis of Argos while traveling on the city's Northwest side. It is one of two akropolis', the other being the Bloody Oracle, dedicated to a version of Apollo. Unlike its counterpart, the Akropolis of Argos is home to several temples within its walls.

Citizens of Argos and its surrounding areas come to one of the temples to worship Zeus Larisaios, Hera Akraia, and Athena Polias. It is one of several places in the game where The Eagle Bearer cannot fully enter without fear of alerting guards.

Despite this, the Akropolis of Argos is a much nicer (and significantly less bloody) akropolis when compared to the Bloody Oracle. Both akropolis' provide an excellent view of Argos.

9 Temple Of Apollo In Elis

ACO Temple of Apollo in Elis

A beautiful temple located near the coast, the Temple of Apollo in Elis is quite the sight. According to AC Odyssey, the Temple of Apollo is believed to have been built by Iktinos who also built Athens' iconic Parthenon. The Eagle Bearer comes upon the temple while either exploring the area or completing quests. The temple is located next to the Temple of Hades.

The Temple of Apollo does look similar to other temples dedicated to the god in AC Odyssey with one difference: the marble statue as The Eagle Bearer enters the grounds. It's one of many examples of painted marble statues throughout the game and is one of the most impressive.

8 Temple Of Artemis Orthia

ACO Temple of Artemis Orthia

This temple was one of the most important religious sites in Sparta. It was dedicated to Artemis, specifically in her form of “Orthia” which is the Greek word for “standing.” It can be found to the east of Sparta in the village of Limnai.

According to AC Odyssey, the temple was associated with the education of young Spartans and was where their initiations were held.

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Within the game, The Eagle Bearer has the option to kill the Captain located there and loot the treasure. Doing so will weaken the nation, giving The Eagle Bearer the chance to begin a battle and choose to fight for either the Spartans or the Athenians.

7 Propylaea

AC Odyssey Propylea

The first thing many see when entering Athens' Akropolis, the Propylaea was never completely finished. During the Peloponnesian War and the events of AC Odyssey, construction on the project is paused. The Propylaea was ordered to be constructed by Perikles, and building began early on in his leadership.

The building was made of marble and was connected by five gates. An architectural feat in its time it stands proudly in AC Odyssey--despite the fact that it is unfinished. Still, the Propylaea is outshone in the game by many of the structures found in the Akropolis Sanctuary.

6 Eleusis Telesterion

ACO Eleusis Telesterion

The Eleusinian Mysteries were a series of religious rites dedicated to the worship of Demeter and Persephone. Famously, the initiation into the cult was vastly secretive. The Eleusis Telesterion in AC Odyssey is a temple of Demeter within the Sanctuary of Eleusis in Attika. The Telesterion is said to be where the initiation process into the cult took place.

During the events of AC Odyssey, the Telesterion is one of many areas that are heavily guarded. If The Eagle Bearer wishes to explore the interior, they must sneak or fight their way in and risk having a bounty put on them.

5 Sappho School

AC Odyssey Sappho School

Found on the island of Lesbos, Sappho School was established by the ancient Greek poet herself. Sappho acted as headmistress of the school while she was alive--many years before the events of AC Odyssey. When The Eagle Bearer finds the school, it is being used by a woman who claims to be using it to create an elixir for the petrified people found in the middle of the island.

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The Eagle Bearer can also be hired by a woman on the grounds to transport clothing with secret messages stitched into it to a spy further into Mytiline. While the structure itself is unremarkable, it is a testament to Sappho's work and a welcome attempt to recreate the academy.

4 Tomb Of Leonidas

ACO Tomb of Leonidas

Found near Sparta, the Tomb of Leonidas is a sight to behold. With a statue of the warrior posing in an intimidating form, The Eagle Bearer states in wonder, "Grandfather was a true hero. Maybe one day they'll make a statue of me."

The tomb itself holds the remains and armor of the ancient hero, who was killed during the Battle of Thermopylae. Behind the tomb, a training ground for young Spartans can be found. Leonidas' tomb is one of the most impressive hero tombs present in AC Odyssey, and certainly one of the most memorable.

3 Apollo’s Temple At The Oracle Of Delphi

ACO Temple of Apollo at the Oracle of Delphi

One of the game's most recognizable sites, Apollo's Temple at the Oracle of Delphi is where the Pythia gives out her prophecies. In AC Odyssey, the Pythia is forced to work with the sinister Cult of Kosmos and gives out so-called prophecies that would benefit the group's plans for Greece.

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The Eagle Bearer has the option to convince her to leave the cult or kill her. Either way, Apollo's Temple at the Oracle of Delphi is left without its Priestess.

Apollo's Temple at the Oracle of Delphi is also where The Eagle Bearer first meets Herodotus, the grandfather of modern history. He is a real-life historical figure best known for his accounts of the Greco-Persian Wars, which ended 18 years before the events detailed within AC Odyssey.

2 Sanctuary Of Olympia

AC Odyssey Sanctuary of Olympia

Home of the first Olympics, the Sanctuary of Olympia was a neutral ground where Greek men from all over would compete in athletic competitions. The Sanctuary was home to an Olympic pool, gymnasium, and many training areas.

Temples of various gods were also scattered throughout the area, including the Temple of Hera where the iconic Olympic torch was kept. A large golden statue of Zeus can also be found on the grounds.

The Sanctuary itself offers many fantastic views and a fictional look at what the ancient Olympics could have been like. The Eagle Bearer has the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games if they take part in a certain quest.

1 The Parthenon

ACO The Parthenon

Arguably one of the most well-known ancient ruins in Athens, The Parthenon is depicted in all its glory in Athens' Akropolis. Surrounded by other beautiful pieces of architecture, The Parthenon is a must-see when exploring Athens.

Home to a gold statue of Athena, the city's protector, and the riches of the Delian League, The Parthenon is a vastly important piece of Athens.

Since The Parthenon holds the treasures of the Delian League, The Eagle Bearer must either fight or sneak their way in for a closer look. If players want a bit of an overhead view of The Parthenon, they can head over to the giant statue of Athena located nearby.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is currently available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch.

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