In Abiotic Factor, players will need to tread carefully through an underground research facility, set up a base, and scavenge items and resources to build equipment such as traps and weapons.

However, during your exploration, there are several different threats you can stumble upon in the form of enemy encounters. Many enemies in Abiotic Factor come equipped with their own attacks or weapons that can cause severe damage and even kill you, so knowing the enemies in the game and some basic information about each one will enable you with even more knowledge to help yourself survive.

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The survival genre has grown a lot in the last few years, and much of it has been shaped by these influential survival titles.

All Enemies & What They Do in Abiotic Factor, Explained

gameplay in abiotic factor

In Abiotic Factor, several different kinds of enemies can be encountered, each of which are classified as either Human, Creature, or Robot. These enemies are often known to guard, patrol, or lurk within a certain location or designated zone of a Sector, so you will need to be prepared to stumble upon these encounters as you explore more areas and complete various tasks or jobs.

Knowing how to deal with enemies is very important for your survival. Some enemies may be a severe threat until later stages of the game, and therefore best left unapproached or stealthily bypassed, while others may be a valuable way to acquire important items and resources for your weapons stash, crafting purposes, and building your base.

Enemy Name


Key Behaviors

Weaknesses & Combat Tips

Potential Drops

Harvestable Drops



  • Known to patrol certain areas
  • Thrive in close combat, so approaching them with stealth is key
  • Some may be stationary until encountered
  • Weak to electricity, so weapons such as Electron Grenades come in handy

Breacher Helmet, Military Shotgun, Military Electronics, 12g Buckshot, Military M.R.E

Bio Scrap, Human Arm, Human Skull



  • May patrol various locations in Cascade and Manufactoring West
  • Excel in close-ranged combat, and may hit players in a melee strike with their pistol, so approach with caution
  • Approaching through stealth or with ranged weapons can often be more efficient than close brawls

Captain's Beret, Military Magnum, Military Electronics, .357 Magnum Ammo, Radio Pack, Cracked Shoulder Light, Military M.R.E

Bio Scrap, Human Skull, Human Arm



  • Stationary creature often found in Facilities
  • Inflicts a non-dodgeable grab attack that slows movement
  • Will not attack if you approach while crouching


Raw Carbuncle



  • Wander and hum around designated locations in Flathill
  • May be prevented from entering certain doorways due to their size, but can still reach through to try and grab players
  • Composers are unable to use their hearing, so rely completely on sight for detecting players
  • Players can use that advantage to keep distance and sneak past



Containment Robot


  • Only appear at night, and patrol designated locations in the Facilities
  • Can be woken during the day, and will attack players who stumble too close
  • Containment Robots are vulnerable to weapons with extended reach, such as Spears

Jailbroken CPU, Vit, Fizz Bang, Rootbear, Pop Snarkle, Kizz Cola

Metal Scrap, Tech Scrap, Glass Scrap, Coil



  • Easily identified by taking the form of a blonde haired man in a lab coat, always crawling on all fours
  • Only appears at night and runs away at dawn.
  • The coworker is a passive entity, and will appear asking to be fed. You may choose to feed him any consumable item, and he will then drop a random office item in exchange.
  • Can be killed, but there isn't much value in doing so


Human Skull



  • Usually follow a set patrol route, though some may remain stationary in one area of the Manufacturing Sector Mines
  • Crystalisks can attack from melee, but usually attack at range

Powdered Crystal




  • Slowly hops around a designated area in the Labs Sector
  • Can leap at you to cause damage, and hit you with shocks between leaps


Capacitor, Tech Strap, Raw Pest, Raw Pest Rump, Bio Scrap



  • May stand guard or roam designated areas in Cascade
  • Exors are particularly vulnerable to stuns, so Nets and Electro-Throwers come in handy


Bio Scrap, Raw Exor Heart, Raw Alien Drumstick, Exor Arm, Exor Quill

Exor Monk


  • Will roam a designated area within the Facilities or Anteverse
  • Is capable of teleporting after laser attacks
  • Nets can stun an Exor Monk, enabling you to gain a temporary advantage


Bio Snap, Raw Exor Heart, Raw Alien Drumstick



  • Usually found patrolling a designated area, but may also be found as a stationary guard in Manufactoring West and Cascade Labs
  • Grunts can hit players with their weapon if they fight at close distance, so keeping range is best
  • Grunts are vulnerable to weapons with reach, such as Spears

Order Helmet, Submachine Gun, Security Pistol, Military Electronics, 9mm Ammo, Military Pack, Cracked Shoulder Light, Military M.R.E

Bio Scrap, Human Skull, Human Arm, Order Helmet



  • Will only target a single player at a time, and can not be seen by other players when targeting someone
  • Will attack if player strays too close, and will chase players who run
  • Can respawn every 3-4 hours
  • Can't pass through walls, but can open doors
  • Can be repelled with X-Ray devices such as X-Ray Lamp, and X-Ray Tower

Leyak Essence


Lab Rat


  • Consistently patrols designated areas in the Facilities, and use their scanners to scan for threats
  • Lab Rats have better hearing that other Human enemies, meaning they may turn hostile if they hear you as well as just seeing you
  • Lab Rats create radioactive spores. If you stay exposed for too long, you can receive the Radiation status
  • Lab Rats are exclusively melee combatants, so attacking them from range is best

Rat Scanner, Rat Pack, Tech Scrap, Metal Scrap. Glass Scrap

Bio Scrap, Human Skull, Rat Suit, Human Arm



  • May patrol designated areas, or remain stationary in Manufactoring West or Cascade Labs
  • Despite the implication of their title, Medics do not offer any medical assistance, nor drop medical items.
  • Medics are most vulnerable to middle ground combat with reach weapons such as Spears. This is because they can hit you if you get too close, but may also fire low-damaging bullets at rapid rates from range.

Medic Helmet, Submachine Gun, Military Electronics, Cracked Shoulder Light, Security Pistol, 9mm Ammo

Bio Scrap, Human Skull, Human Arm



  • Known to patrol designated areas in the Facilities
  • Attacks may change based on the range of the player
  • Tackle attacks can be dodged by side-stepping
  • Melee attack can be blocked with a shield
  • Jump attack can be dodged by keeping distance and running sideways


Bio Scrap, Raw Peccary Chop, Raw Alien Drumstick, Peccary Skull



  • Most commonly encountered creature in the Facilities
  • Will hide in nooks and corners to ambush players by surprise
  • Known to hop around a designated area
  • You can dodge Pest attacks by perfectly timing a side-step or crouch


Bio Scrap, Raw Pest, Raw Pest Rump



  • Scuttlebugs are a passive creature native to the Mycofields
  • They will run away if a player approaches them



Security Bot


  • Will only appear at night
  • Patrols a designated area in the Facilities
  • Is very hostile and will target anything in range - including other enemies
  • Vulnerable to reach weapons, such as Spears

Security Bot CPU, Vit, Fizz Bang, Rootbear, Pop Snarkle

Metal Scrap, Tech Scrap, Glass Scrap, Coil

Shroom Peccary


  • Known to patrol designated areas in the Facilities
  • Attacks may change based on the range of the player
  • Tackle attacks can be dodged by side-stepping
  • Melee attack can be blocked with a shield
  • Jump attack can be dodged by keeping distance and running sideways


Bio Scrap, Raw Alien Drumstick, Carbuncle Mushroom, Mushroom Peccary Skull, Raw Peccary Chop



  • Extremely hostile
  • Will detect you before you are able to detect them
  • Will shoot at you from a long-ranged, hard to see location



Tainted Carbuncle


  • Stationary creature in the Facilities
  • Inflicts a non-dodgeable grab attack that slows movement

Will not attack if you approach while crouching


Raw Carbuncle



  • Move extremely slowly towards the player
  • When extremely close will try to melee attack and bite
  • Can cause infection, vomiting, and dehydration if you are victim of a bite
  • Will prioritize feasting on dead bodies over investigating or chasing players


Bio Scrap, Human Skull

Abiotic Factor

May 2, 2024
Deep Field Games
Survival , RPG