A sequel to A Plague Tale: Innocence, A Plague Tale: Requiem is a stealth game with survival horror elements set in 14th-century France. It is set during the Hundred Year's War and centers on the horrors and brutality of the time as the player navigates the world as three children. Players mostly take on the role of Amicia, a 15-year-old girl that has had to grow up too fast to protect her younger brother.

Related: A Plague Tale: Requiem - How To Get The Bracer Secret Armor

A Plague Tale: Requiem is a compelling adventure that takes place over 17 chapters lasting players up to 15 hours, depending on how they play the game. The sequel has more open areas to explore than its predecessor. The marketplace/ town is a prime example of the game featuring more explorable areas with souvenirs to collect in A Plague Tales: Requiem. Even the areas outside the safe zones have story-based items and secrets to be discovered if the player wants to see and collect everything that A Plague Tale: Requiem has throughout its campaign.

A Plague Tale: Requiem Chapter List

A Plague Tale Requiem The End

The story of A Plague Tale: Requiem picks up right after the events of its predecessor, with Amicia and her little brother Hugo trying to find a way to cure his illness and a moment of peace from the horrors of war and death. Despite being 17 chapters long, A Plague Tale Requiem never feels like it outstays its welcome. At around 15 to 20 hours long, the game is perfectly paced with items and lore to find. The chapter list is as follows:

  • Chapter 1: Under a New Sun
  • Chapter 2: Newcomers
  • Chapter 3: A Burden of Blood
  • Chapter 4: Protector’s Duty
  • Chapter 5: In our Wake
  • Chapter 6: Leaving all Behind
  • Chapter 7: Felons
  • Chapter 8: A Sea of Promises
  • Chapter 9: Tales and Revelations
  • Chapter 10: Bloodline
  • Chapter 11: The Cradle of Centuries
  • Chapter 12: The Life We Deserve
  • Chapter 13: Nothing Left
  • Chapter 14: Healing our Wounds
  • Chapter 15: Dying Sun
  • Chapter 16: King Hugo
  • Chapter 17:Legacy of De Rune Family

Does A Plague Tale: Requiem Have Replay Value?


Even though A Plague Tale: Requiem is a decent length and worth the price of an Xbox Game Pass subscription alone. However, once the game is complete, players that want to play again and find everything there is a New Game Plus Mode. This mode will unlock once players have beaten the game. Moreover, New Game Plus is the only way to unlock all of the game's collectibles and upgrades.

A Plague Tale: Requiem is available now for the PC, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Series X/S.

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