A Plague Tale: Requiem is a stealth game that tells the story of Amicia and her little brother, who’s suffering from Prima Macula, which is a rare condition passed down in the De Rune family. In the beginning of A Plague Tale: Innocence, the siblings are rudely awoken to the harsh reality and lost their innocence as children. The sequel is set months later and the whole family is trying to find a cure for Hugo.

Players are forced to choose between two difficult options at the end of A Plague Tale: Requiem, which will affect the final chapter of the game. Although there are two different endings, the final results will stay the same.

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter List

A Plague Tale Requiem has a great story; let's take a look at how many chapters there are and how long it lasts

Updated on January 8, 2024, by Nahda Nabiilah: Some players might rejoice when they find out that A Plague Tale: Requiem has more than one ending, but this joy won't last when they see the available options. It's always fun to experiment with different endings in any game, as you can see various outcomes to the protagonists' future. Sadly, that's not the case for A Plague Tale: Requiem, because both endings will lead to the same miserable outcome. The only difference is that you need to decide who should make the final blow.

All Possible Endings In A Plague Tale: Requiem

hugo talking with amicia in a plague tale requiem

In A Plague Tale: Requiem, players will have to choose between two endings. Both will occur in chapter 16, King Hugo, in the last act. Following many challenges that will exhaust anyone physically and emotionally, Amicia finally finds Hugo in the middle of all the chaos.

Unfortunately, in the end, Hugo confesses that the only way to get rid of Macula is by killing him, as he became one with the Macula. With a broken heart, Amicia agrees and promises to do her best. After that, Hugo disappears and the Protector is woken up by Lucas in A Plague Tale: Requiem, who leads her to a chained-up Hugo in the distance. Here, players have to make a choice; kill Hugo or refuse to kill him.

Kill Hugo

amicia killing hugo in a plague tale requiem

If players chose to kill Hugo, they need to make Amicia use her sling and shoot his head. With raspy breaths and shaking hands, the big sister will slowly rotate the sling and fires a rock directly at his head, ending his life with the very weapon she promised would protect him.

amicia and sophia talking about lucas in a plague tale requiem

Afterward, everything goes black, and one year has passed. Amicia is living alone in the mountains and appears to be packing her bags for a journey. Sophia later joins her to say that the horses are ready, and both walk together while chatting. When Sophia asks how she’s doing, Amicia replies that "she’s fine," and "it’s been a year." As for Lucas, she comments that "he went on a journey to continue his studies." Amicia seems to miss the Alchemist and wishes to see him, which doesn’t apply to the second ending.

Refuse To Kill Hugo

lucas killing hugo in a plague tale requiem

If players made Amicia stand still in her place and refuse to kill Hugo, after some time, she falls to her knees and admits that she can’t do it. At that moment, Lucas will apologize and kills Hugo himself using the Crossbow.

amicia talking about lucas in a plague tale requiem

Just like the previous ending in A Plague Tale: Requiem, a year pass, and Amicia is getting ready to depart. She’ll give the same answer when asked about her condition, but when Sophia mentions Lucas, Amicia replies that "he’s not coming," and that "she can still see him do it," ("it" being Lucas killing her little brother). She then quickly changes the subject and says that he’s on the road, studying. In this ending, it seems like Amicia still cares for Lucas, but a big part of her can’t forgive him, so she chooses to stay away.

How To Reach Hugo In A Plague Tale: Requiem

amicia hugging hugo in a plague tale requiem

After getting separated from Lucas, Amicia starts to search for Hugo frantically in the open field while assuring him that she's alive. While running around, players will encounter strange Phoenix statues that seem to point in different directions and Amicia suggests following them since the statues might lead to Hugo.

Keep running while going in the direction where the statues are facing and Hugo will start talking with Amicia. Eventually, Hugo tells his sister to find her own way, which means you must head straight until the wind gets stronger, forcing the girl to slow down.

If you don't want to follow the statues and prefer an easier route, keep heading straight from the first statue until the winds get stronger.

After a small cutscene, Amicia will spawn in an area full of rats and huge terrifying statues next to a single lit brazier. Rats from all over the arena will form humanoid creatures and attack Amicia. Don't bother fighting back because the correct solution is extinguishing the fire brazier and giving up. Soon after, Hugo will appear and embrace Amicia while telling her she did the correct thing and both will take a walk together before the final scene.

A Plague Tale: Requiem

PC , Switch , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
October 18, 2022
Asobo Studio
Action-Adventure , Stealth