Across the world of 7 Days to Die, lies the biggest threat to survival. Zombies are entirely gross, and entirely deadly, with players needing the right tools for survival to best the zombie hordes. However, the hardest zombies in 7 Days to Die may not be what players expect, as there are all manners of threats that could turn the player into zombie food.

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With most of the population turned, hungry for flesh and brains, the player is isolated in the sense that they need to keep themselves free from the virus that ravished the world. Players should make note of 7 Days to Die’s hardest zombies so that they can live through another day.

10 Burn Victim

burned victim zombie

With 125 HP, this special zombie in 7 Days To Die can cause minor discomfort to players. This zombie can be found in the Burnt Forest-biome, existing and adapting to the biome around them. The combat situation involving the Burn Victim zombie may not differ from the normal zombies in the game, although there is one difference.

Unlike the other zombies, the Burn Victim can set players on fire. It’s best to tackle these zombies at range, as all it could take is one hit and they will find themselves on fire, taking damage until they put it out.

9 Spider Zombie

spider zombie crawling on the floor

The Spider Zombie can be found everywhere, with a greater chance of finding this horrifying creature at night. Players can expect 150 HP on normal, 285 on Feral, and 541 when Radiated. The Spider Zombie can terrify players due to the intimidation of its shriek, and the fact that they crawl across the floor, making them a difficult target.

During the day, players can expect an easy time with the Spider Zombie, due to its slow crawl. However, the deadly night sees them speed up, and they can run on all fours to chase and grab at the player. The fact that they are so low to the ground means they commit to leg attacks.

8 Fat Hawaiian

fat hawaiian zombie fighting player with a knife

Players might be in for a fright when it comes to the Fat Hawaiian. To new players, this tough and large zombie can challenge them, especially since it is found almost anywhere, with a base health of 300 HP, and 570 on Feral. With a large bout of HP, some players may be deterred from fighting this beast of a zombie.

Despite the slowness of this zombie, players can expect it to pack a punch. The Fat Hawaiian is resistant to many attacks, but what makes it more challenging is how its slow swing can truly punish players caught in the attack.

7 Crawler Zombie

zombie crawler reaching for the player

It’s common in zombie games to feature Crawler Zombies, it shows players that zombies can’t just be killed through normal means, and they are unaffected by a lost limb or two. Players can expect a moderate threat when it comes to Crawler Zombies, even if they only have 82 HP in normal and 152 when Feral.

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Dragging itself on the ground with its hands and arms, the Crawler Zombie may be slower and less threatening, but when the Crawler Zombie is amongst the hordes, it can be a true menace, biting and hitting the player from below.

6 Infected Police Officer

large infected police zombie

The Infected Police Officer is another slow-moving zombie enemy. They are not hard to miss thanks to their blue uniform and large bloated bodies. Infected Police Officers are found around large suburban areas and cities, and have 250 HP on Normal. The Infected Police Officer has 475 Hp in Feral and 902 in Radiated.

What makes the Infected Police Officer a threat is not just their hulking size that can create dangers for the player and their weapons, but the fact that when their health is low, they charge at the player, attempting to explode into acid, taking themselves out with the player.

5 Feral Wight

irradiated feral wight

As players progress through the days, they may find themselves encountering more violent enemies to deter progress. The Feral Wight is one of these special zombies and has 532 HP at the Feral stage. In Radiated, players can expect a whopping 1010 HP to devastate players and their best weapons.

What makes Feral Wights a great threat to players comes from their strength and power in attacks, which will see them destroy the best base builds like paper. As a stronger zombies, they are also not affected by daylight and can run at players night or day.

4 Demolisher

demolisher zombie with a green bomb on its chest

Within Blood Moon hordes and cities, players may find themselves an adversary with the Demlosher zombie. This zombie type has 1000 HP on Normal and can be a great threat to unprepared players, and those that do not have the tools to take it down. The Demolisher is noted for its large size and glowing green explosive charge on its chest.

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If players hit the explosive charge, then it will glow red, beeping until the Demolisher explodes. The Demolisher may cause a great deal of damage to players, but blocks are the true casualty, as the Demolisher can decimate builds with ease.

3 Screamer

screamer zombie character

The Screamer will hunt the player and their activities through 7 Days to Die. The Screamer has a unique feature to the game with Heat Levels, which will see player activity rise through sounds players make with loud weapons and equipment. Once filled enough, the Screamer will locate the player, and once discovered, it will unleash a devastating scream.

The HP of the Screamer does not matter, as alone, the Screamer is not a threat in combat. What makes the Screamer such a deadly zombie in 7 Days to Die is the fact that it will summon and spawn endless hordes of zombies if it is not killed.

2 Zombie Vulture

zombie vulture in 7 days to die

Across the biomes, the Zombie Vulture hunts from the air, searching for delicious prey to peck at. The Zombie Vulture is a silent hunter, and its use of high ground and air activity can be a burden that will see players constantly frustrated with its design.

The surprise attacks and constant swooping attacks can be annoying to players, and their ability to follow players from long distances makes them a true threat that players old and new will have a hard time with.

1 Zombie Bear

zombie bear in 7 days to die

If players embark in the Wasteland biome and the Burnt Forests in 7 Days to Die, there’s a chance that players will stumble across a Zombie Bear. In the instance that the player does find a Zombie Bear, there’s a high chance that they are already dead. This enemy has a monstrous 2000 HP and will chase down the player the moment they see them.

It’s almost impossible to beat a bear without a ranged weapon, as the Zombie Bear can one-shot any player, even with the best armor thanks to its ferocious attacks. It’s recommended that players keep clear from the bear at all costs, as this is not an enemy players want to be chased by.

7 Days to Die is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One

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