7 Days To Die is a fantastic zombie survival game with tower defense-style gameplay included. It was developed using Unity, which means it is completely cross-platform across Windows, macOS, Linux, and most popular consoles. The game has a very busy modding community, who have created some stunning mods that entirely overhaul the gameplay.

7 Days To Die: 13 Great Weapon Mods You Need To Try

Players can already get into plenty of mayhem in 7 Days to Die, but these great weapon mods can enhance the enjoyment even further.

However, for people who run a 7 Days To Die private server, using the larger mods is a problem. These mods require both the client and the server to have the same version of the mod installed. There are some server-side-only mods though, that simply change local files, and that are uploaded to every client automatically when they connect.

7 Old West Migration

Expanding The Old West Biome

Old West Migration Server Side Mod For 7 Days To Die

Players either love or hate the tiny old west areas of the map. Some people say that they break immersion, while others love exploring these shanty towns. Server owners who want to add more old west zones, and also increase their size, can use this mod.

7 Days To Die: 8 Best Things To Sell To The Trader

These are some of the best things players should sell to traders in 7 Days to Die.

As server-side mods go for 7 Days To Die, this is a pretty comprehensive one. It expands the old west tileset and adds several new POIs. This includes a trader and a Blacksmith Cabin. The addition of a trader POI means that when a new map is randomly generated, an old west town could become a player quest hub, which is quite a change.

6 Hybrid Learn By Use

A Novel Approach To The Book Problem

Hybrid Learn By Use Server Side Mod For 7 Days To Die

Game update 21 meant some pretty sweeping changes to the skill progression system in 7 Days To Die. Many people despised this change at first, as it significantly slowed down player progression. Several mods were released that reverted this change to the old skill point system. However, the Hybrid Learn by Use is somewhat more elegant, as it provides a combination of the old and new systems.

With this mod installed server-side, players will be able to upgrade their skills simply by using a weapon or tool type. They can still collect skill books and apply these to the skill tree as well, so they have both options available to them.

5 64 Slot Dew Collector

Solving Early Game Hydration Problems

64 Slot Dew Collector Server Side Mod For 7 Days To Die

This is a very simple server-side mode for 7 Days To Die, that offers a solution to one of the main complaints of changes that were introduced in game update 21. Thai update completely removed empty jars which could be used to collect dirty water, which was then boiled to create drinkable water. The net result was a severe struggle early game for players to keep themselves hydrated.

The Best Mods For 7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die is a great experience on its own, but these amazing mods really add another dimension to it.

The same update introduced a new crafting station, the dew collector. However, this new crafting station can only hold 3 bottles of water and takes a long time to fill these three bottles. This mod raises the dew collector slots to 64, meaning once the player has left it running for a few hours, they will have all the water they need.

4 Craft Tier Six

Reverts To Updated 20 Crafting Blueprints

Craft Tier Six Server Side Mod For 7 Days To Die

There is something of a pattern emerging with many of the mods on this list, as this is another server-side mod for 7 Days To Die that changes a feature that was patched in with game update 21. Before update 21, players who had fully trained their crafting skills for an item could then craft a tier 6 version.

With game update 21, crafting tier 6 items was removed, making them loot and quest rewards only. This simple mod removes this change and allows players to once again craft tier 6 items of all types. It uses the same recipes that game version 20 did.

3 Skills For HP and Stamina

Useful Buff For Survivability

Skills for HP and Stamina Server Side Mod For 7 Days To Die

There can be no doubt that 7 Days To Die has become vastly harder in the early game since update 21. And with the addition of tier 6 infestation missions, the end game is also much more challenging. This mod is aimed at making things a little easier on players.

The mod adds two new skill trees to the game. One tree for health-related bonuses and one for stamina-related bonuses. Combined, they make survivability in the game a little better, without being totally overpowered.

2 Realistic Silencers

Trying To Fix Stealth

Realistic Silencers Server Side Mod For 7 Days To Die

A long-standing complaint with 7 Days To Die players, is that stealth has been broken since around game update 18. This means that there is no point in playing with a stealth build, as zombies have much greater detection ranges and are much more sensitive to noise. This is doubly true when feral zombies are switched on.

7 Days To Die: Best Food

Food is an essential part of any survival game, and these are the best options in 7 Days to Die.

This server-side mod aims to improve the stealth system, by making weapon silencers much more effective at reducing noise. In much the same way they worked originally. This doesn’t entirely fix stealth in the game, but it does mean that certain quieter weapons, such as a silenced 9mm pistol, won’t pull half the map when fired.

1 Mega Backpack

Simply The Best

Mega Backpack Server Side Mod For 7 Days To Die

Why does the simplest server-side 7 Days To Die mod get the top slot on this list? Simply because it addresses the major complaint that most new players have about the game. Namely, the limited space in the backpack, even with fully upgraded skills and perks.

This mod expands the possible number of slots in the player's backpack to 120. However, the player will still need to invest in the right skills and perks to unlock them all. Overall, this is a very useful quality-of-life mod that many server operators install.

7 Days to Die

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
December 13, 2013
The Fun Pimps
Survival , Horror