Godzilla Intro

Now that Godzilla is set to demolish box offices the world over, there doesn't appear to be any real threat to the gargantuan iguana's supremacy. While monsters try to thwart the reptile in his latest movie, we're already dreaming up some combatants from video games that could toe-to-toe with what is arguably the greatest kaiju of all time.

Securing victory over Godzilla is far from an easy feat, but we've compiled a list of five iconic gaming beasts that stand the best odds of defeating Toho's legendary monster. While it's possible, if not likely, that the jolly green lizard could defeat each and every participant on this list (he is Godzilla after all), there's no question that we'd buy front row tickets to see a battle royale go down between any of these warriors.

Without further ado, here's Game ZXC's list of 5 gaming monsters that could take on Godzilla.

Godzilla Kraid

Origins: Metroid

One of the largest enemies from Metroid mythos, Kraid is a towering alien with reptilian features. He pales in comparison to sheer size of Godzilla, but this foe has one distinct advantage over the king of all monsters: he's very intelligent. Running with a band of space pirates, alongside Samus Aran's arch-enemy Ridley, Kraid is often thought to be one of the main leaders behind the troubling gang.

Capable of shooting spikes from three holes on his belly and launching harpoon-like boomerangs from his fingertips, this is one foe that even Samus herself doesn't take lightly. Kraid also has a pesky habit of growing larger every time Nintendo's favorite bounty hunter encounters him. His intelligence, coupled with an array of nasty weapons and ever-changing size, would make him a good foe for Godzilla.

Godzilla Deathwing

Origins: World of Warcraft

Many MMO aficionados will remember Deathwing as the beast that turned Azeroth on its head in World of Warcraft. After reemerging, the dragon unleashed a fury upon the world that instantly changed its entire landscape, and the realm is still dealing with the ramifications of the monster's appearance. Sounds kind of like another, more Japan-based monster that wreaks havoc wherever he goes, doesn't it?

Deathwing is also capable of withstanding extreme temperatures (such as the inside of a volcano), which puts him in a prime position when it comes to the heat emitted from Godzilla's atomic breath. We're sure someone in the comments will point out that the ramifications of the heat radiating from lava and that of nuclear reactions are completely different, but we'd like to completely overlook that and point out the fact that Deathwing can also fly. Enough said.

Godzilla Leviathan


Making his debut in Insomniac Games' Resistance 2, the Leviathan instantly became one of the most iconic baddies to rear its head in the series. Composed entirely out of the genetically altered remains of countless human bodies, the background story on this beast is the farthest thing from PG-13. The Chimera don't mess around, but could this monstrosity take on Godzilla? We'd imagine so.

Measured in at roughly 300 feet tall, the Leviathan certainly has the girth to give Godzilla a run for his money. Aside from the fact that it's taller than a majority of the buildings placed within Chicago, it's also rocking a bullet-proof hide and razor-sharp teeth. It's hard not to imagine Godzilla taking on the Chimera's Leviathan in a bid for dominance, and it's one combatant that would make an interesting competitor for the fabled crown.

Godzilla Cronos

Origins:God of War

Better known as the father of Zeus in Greek mythology, Cronos was a massive obstacle that Kratos eventually defeated in God of War 3. While the Titan may have lost out to the God of War, he may be able to stand his ground with an entirely different breed of god. He's also much more intelligent than the average Godzilla baddie, which could give him the edge in combat against the monster.

Forced to carry a mountain on his back, Cronos is far from a tiny enemy and while specifics pertaining to his exact size vary, even his in-game stature makes it seem like the behemoth would tower over Godzilla. Unlike many of the reptile's other foes, however, Cronos is susceptible to being damaged by simple weapons such as swords. Taking Godzilla's bomb-proof hide and atomic breath into consideration, this all but ensures that a good battle between the legends would ensue.

Godzilla Shadow of the Colossus

Origins:Shadow of the Colossus

Much like the alternate reality that Godzilla inhabits, the world of Shadow of the Colossus is absolutely covered with battle-hungry behemoths. Towering over the main protagonist, Wander, these colossi pose a big enough challenge to dismantle when it's just one-on-one, but it becomes a nearly impossible task when learning that there are 16 of these things wandering around.

It's hard to pick just one of these lumbering giants to take on Godzilla, so why can't the beast go on a hunt to destroy all of these monsters? Each varies drastically from one another, which would make for some interesting battles (or at least montages) featuring the world's most popular kaiju. Forget glowing weak points, Godzilla could unleash carnage upon a colossus from any and every angle — but the same can be said for those colossi on Godzilla.

Godzilla Conclusion

Godzilla has more than earned his spot as one of the most iconic movie monsters of all time, and we're always itching to see the beast get into another good fight. With the creature's latest film now officially in theaters, fans can watch the king of the monsters take on a new threat. That said, we can't help but imagine a slew of other giants that the lizard can throw down with.

Toho's darling will almost certainly never brawl with any of these video game monsters, but there are without a doubt several other gaming-related monstrosities that would make good fodder for Godzilla. With that in mind, are there any other noteworthy creatures you'd like to see get into a slugfest with the iconic iguana? Let us know in the comments below.

Since you're here, be sure to head over to Screen Rant's review of Godzilla to see if the latest film is worth getting excited about.

Follow Riley on Twitter @TheRileyLittle.