Kicking off the second fighters pass for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a character from ARMS who will be joining the roster in Challenger Pack 6. One of several fighters from the springy appendage fighting game from 2017 will be joining the famed Smash roster as a playable character.

Understandably fans are wondering who this ARMS fighter is going to be, and what their moveset could conceivably be like in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Gauging how each ARMS character plays in their respective games, fans could be receiving another unique, disjointed zoner-type character added to the roster in June. Here are the likely candidates for inclusion from ARMS into the Smash roster.

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Spring Man/Ribbon Girl

Spring Man From ARMS

Perhaps the most obvious choice would be to pick the poster children of ARMS, Spring Man and Ribbon Girl. Similar to Ryu from Street Fighter who came to Super Smash Bros. For 3DS/Wii U, Spring Man and Ribbon Girl function as the perfect all-rounder characters for ARMS. Their viability remains relatively high whilst requiring a mid-level understanding of the game's fundamentals to be played successfully. Ribbon Girl has an additional jump as her unique ability, and Spring Man has a deflection ability to punish aggressive opponents. In comparison to the rest of the ARMS cast, Ribbon Girl and Spring Man have relatively straight-forward special abilities, super attacks, and middling stats that are incredibly versatile for use against all opponents.



Instantly popular upon her first reveal, Twintelle would also be a great choice for a fan-favorite representative in Smash. She's one of the more uniquely designed characters from ARMS, instead using her magical hair as her, well, "battle arms." Twintelle has some seriously good aerial maneuverability in neutral, allowing her to mix and match her movement very well. Twintelle's special ability slows down time around her so she may better react to/dodge incoming attacks and punish her opponents with ease. Twintelle could use her slow down ability and function similarly to Witch Time, but her archetype could be a slower, stronger version of Bayonetta who instead uses range to her advantage.

Min Min

super smash bros ultimate nintendo direct speculation

Immediately becoming a top tier character in ARMS, Min Min is a very popular character for use in competitive and casual play. Min Min's character design is based on a Japanese ramen aesthetic, with her arms resembling strings of the tasty noodles. In battle Min Min has access to two distinct special abilities that make her as powerful as she is. During a jump, Min Min can utilize a special dash kick that can repel and stun opponents attempting to knock her out of the sky, leaving them open for attack. She also has a special stance that turns one of her arms into a dragon, allowing her left arm abilities to be charged for much longer. Min Min could function similarly in Smash, like a functional airborne parry that could utilize her dragon-arm ability for short-term usage like Joker's Arsene.

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Arms Smash Ultimate Ninjara

This character would honestly be a dark horse pick and the least likely for an individual character choice. That being said, Ninjara is also one of the most popular character choices in ARMS because of his fantastic movement stats. Designed as a character for intermediate/advanced characters, Ninjara requires a lot of strategic uses of his movement speeds and special abilities. Ninjara's two special abilities are both movement based. His midair dash essentially becomes a teleport, as he blinks from one spot to the other near instantly. Ninjara's second ability also involves teleportation, allowing him to teleport on successful block in similar fashion to his first ability. In Smash, Ninjara could use this teleport ability on successful parry to gain stage advantage or better positioning. He could also use the midair dash as a recovery tool to get back to stage.

A Hybrid Character

Arms Smash Ultimate Spring Man Ribbon Girl hybrid character

Unlike Byleth, the "distance demon" from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, any character from ARMS would take that moniker and turn it up to 11. That's why creating a hybrid character from eight of the 15 total characters would be most likely, especially considering the delayed development time.

Similar to the Heroes of Dragon Quest in Ultimate, an amalgamation of similar characters from ARMS would perhaps make the most sense. Each ARMS characters has their own speciality, but the game itself has a consistent idea of ranged fighting. All ARMS characters follow similar mechanical structure because of the game's inherent combat design, so adding a character with several of the unique specials in ARMS would represent the game the best. Even just using the standard Spring Man/Ribbon Girl designs, but incorporating unique special moves from the other ARMS characters, would be the perfect representation for the game in Ultimate.

With a vast array of different abilities, an ARMS character choice could come from a variety of different places. How an ARMS character fits into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate should be very unique and very strange, a perfect fit for the biggest crossover in gaming history.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now on Nintendo Switch.

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