Retro-shooter developer 3D Realms has announced a brand new event coming in September for fans of retro-style games, complete with callbacks to classic shooters like the developer's own original Duke Nukem. The two-day event will showcase a number of games from retro-style developers, like 1C Entertainment, Nightdive Studios, and Slipgate Ironworks, among other developers working with this style of games.

3D Realms has announced the event through a trailer on the company's official YouTube channel, including clips from some of the games that are planned to be revealed. A number of indie titles make an appearance, like 3D Realms' upcoming WRATH: Aeon of Ruin currently being developed in partnership with another attendee, 1C Entertainment.

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The event, called Realms Deep 2020, will take place on September 5th and 6th, streaming live on the 3D Realms Twitch channel, and will include a number of influential names in the industry. Along with the retro-style companies, the event will also include guest appearances from legendary game designers like John Romero and American McGee. With the high-profile list of guests and developers coming together, this will likely be a massive event for fans of old-school, retro-style games like 3D Realms' Duke Nukem and other titles.

Exactly which games will be shown in the event hasn't been released yet, but it is likely that a number of the developers involved are looking to debut their own retro-style games at Realms Deep 2020. With a promised 20+ titles premiering at the event, it's likely that the guest list shown so far is only a portion of what should be expected to appear in September. While it's unlikely to see anything related to previous games by 3D Realms, like the Duke Nukem 3D Switch Port, the company will likely have at least one new title to show off alongside the upcoming WRATH: Aeon of Ruin.

Fans of these retro-style games should keep an eye out for Realms Deep 2020, as a number of great titles in the genre will likely slip under the radar at the event, failing to gain any real traction in an industry that prioritizes AAA development and big-budget developers. However, with the way that indie development has taken off in recent years, this event will likely be showcasing some of the best developers working in the indie space, if not the best games coming to it. So, there's more than a fair chance that at least one of the 20+ games announced at 3D Realms' event will be the biggest indie title of this or next year.

Realms Deep 2020 is set to air on September 5 and 6, live on Twitch.

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