There are seven unique characters that are available to play in the current version of 20 Minutes Till Dawn, an Early Access rogue-lite shooter blend of Vampire Survivors and Enter the Gungeon where players must make it to the end of a grueling twenty minutes against wave after wave of enemies. And, while this might not seem like much compared to the sixty-minute runs in Vampire Survivors, it's actually quite a difficult task.

Each character has different starting health and a unique ability, which causes them to exceed or struggle with certain builds. Not only that, but each character also has their own uniquely beautiful pixel art appearance as well as individual skills that can appear after looting the chest from the first in-game boss, so let's go through each of 20 Minutes Till Dawn's cast and talk about what characters are the best and worst.

7 Scarlett

20 Minutes Till Dawn - Scarlett Character Art Next To Image Of Her Using Her Fire Wave Ability

Starting Health

Innate Ability

Potential Skills

3 HP

Immolate: On every 3rd shot, Scarlett launches a wave of fire that burns any enemies hit for 3 damage per second.

  • Lasting Flame: Burn Duration is doubled.
  • Pyromaniac: Every time Scarlett applies burn, her Fire Rate increases by 10 percent. Bonus resets on reload.
  • Pyro Affinity: Bullet Damage -25 percent and Burn Damage +67 percent.

Let's just say this upfront, none of the characters in 20 Minutes Till Dawn are bad in any capacity. These rankings just take the default Health, Innate Ability, and Potential Skills of each character in mind and pit them against each other.

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And once all that has been done, Scarlet sadly falls into last place. Immolate is basically just a variation of the Fire Starter Upgrade (abilities really matter in these difficult games), her starting Health is lower than average (though not by much), and her potential Skills, while useful, aren't nearly as broken as most of the other Skills on other characters. With the Flame Cannon, Scarlett is a ton of fun and some people may find her to be their favorite playable character, but on this ranking, she's in last.

6 Hina

20 Minutes Till Dawn - Hina Character Art Next To Image Of Hina And Her Shadow Clone

Starting Health

Innate Ability

Potential Skills

3 HP

Shadow Clone: Hina dashes in the direction of the mouse on Right-Click, leaving behind a Shadow Clone.

  • Hidden Blade: Now invincible during Shadow Clone dash. Plus, Hina's dash deals damage equal to her Bullet Damage to any enemies in the path of the dash.
  • Enhanced Shadow: Summon Damage +25 percent and Hina's Shadow Clone attacks 3x faster.
  • Maneuver: When Hina dashes, she automatically refills her Ammo.

Honestly, Hina isn't far above Scarlett and only really pulls ahead because her Shadow Clone Innate Ability is useful for both mob clearing and movement while also benefiting from a very low cooldown overall.

Outside that, Hina is just about as good as Scarlett, though her Potential Skills are a bit more useful on average, with Maneuver especially being capable of creating some absurd builds. That said, with an Innate Ability focused around movement instead of attack or defense, Hina can only go this far.

5 Diamond

20 Minutes Till Dawn - Diamond Character Art Next To Image Of Diamond Getting One Of Her Skills From A Chest

Starting Health

Innate Ability

Potential Skills

7 HP

Tanky: Starts with very high HP.

  • Bulk Up: Every time Diamond heals her HP, her Bullet Damage and Bullet Size increase by 15 percent permanently.
  • Berserk: Every time Diamond is hit, her Fire Rate and Reload Rate increase by 10 percent permanently.
  • Strong Will: When Diamond falls below or is at half her Max HP, she receives +2 Piercing and +25 percent Knockback until shes heals over half her Max HP.

Diamond is the "buff-lady" of the squad with a whopping seven starting HP (more than double what either Hina or Scarlett start with). It's very difficult to make it through a twenty-minute run the first time, especially for beginners in these types of games, but it sure is much easier with seven health instead of three or four.

That said, because her Tanky Innate Ability is focused on survivability rather than raw damage, she falls short of the rest of the cast. Thankfully, her Potential Skills are all pretty incredible, even Berserk, which is a skill that actively rewards players for getting hit.

4 Lilith

20 Minutes Till Dawn - Lilith Character Art Next To Image Of Lilith Summoning A Skull Ghost From A Dead Enemy

Starting Health

Innate Ability

Potential Skills

4 HP

Necromancy: When Lilith kills an enemy, a spirit is summoned from their corpse that chases nearby enemies and deals 8 damage on-hit.

  • Undead Army: Summon Damage and Attack Speed both increased by 35 percent.
  • Necrophile: When an enemy is killed, Lilith gains 35 percent Move Speed for 1 second.
  • Necromancer: Lilith now summons an additional spirit when enemies are killed and receives a +20 percent Summon Damage buff.

Lilith is a bit of an odd case as her ranking has nothing to do with her Necromancy Innate Ability. Rather, the character ranks so high because her Potential Skills are all absolutely incredible. Undead Army is one of the best Skills in 20MTD, Necrophile is always helpful on any build, and Necromancer just makes Lilith's Necromancy Ability actually useful while also granting a Summon Damage buff.

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It's obvious this character was designed with the Batgun in mind, and it works very well for her. Though, much like another indie game, Wildcat Gun Machine, the order in which the player picks their Upgrades with the Batgun really matters.

3 Shana

20 Minutes Till Dawn - Shauna Character Art Next To Image Showing Her Reroll System

Starting Health

Innate Ability

Potential Skills

4 HP

Reroll: Can reroll Upgrade options once per Level.

  • Ascension: Adds 3 Halo Pieces to the list of available Upgrades on each Level Up. Once all three Halo Pieces are collected, Shana's Halo drops for the player to pick up. Once obtained, the player receives +50 percent Attack Speed, +50 percent Reload Speed, and +75 percent Vision Range.
  • Quick Learner: Increases all EXP gained from this point on by 40 percent.
  • Specialize: The next upgrade Shana picks after obtaining this Skill is applied three times.

Who would have thought that the default character of the game would make it into the top three? But, let's be real, being able to reroll Upgrades or Items in any rogue-lite is a highly sought-after Skill and Shana has it.

Not only that, but Shana's potential Skills are also amazing and incredibly fun. Ascension is a unique gimmick that upgrades Shana's stats to absurd levels, Quick Learner lets the player level up to the late 40s or early 50s in a single run, and Specialize can lead to some truly wacky results such as having three Magic Lenses.

2 Spark

20 Minutes Till Dawn - Spark Character Art Next To Image Of Playing Her In-Game

Starting Health

Innate Ability

Potential Skills

3 HP

Storm Caller: Bullets on impact have a 50 percent chance of calling down Lightning that deals 5 damage.

  • Electro Affinity: Bullet Damage is decreased by 25 percent while Lightning Damage is increased by 50 percent. .
  • Charged Up: Spark generates 1 Ammo for every 3 Lightning Strikes, and the 3rd Lightning Strike also deals double damage.
  • Electrical Fire: Enemies hit by Lightning Strikes also have a Burn applied to them that deals 3 damage per second.

Spark wasn't available in the demo version of the game (of which a bunch of demos are available right now than's to Next Fest) but is by far one of the best 20MTD characters now that she has a spot on the roster.

For one, her Storm Caller Innate Ability is one of the few ways to target a specific enemy with Lightning in the game. Two, this ability triggers constantly and stacks to hilariously absurd levels with other Lightning-based Upgrades. And three, her Potential Skills and Innate Ability work well with just about any gun or build in the game. Spark's biggest downside by far (other than her lower-than-average HP) is the fact that her Potential Skills are all just "okay". They aren't fantastic, they aren't even great, they're just "okay".

1 Abby

20 Minutes Till Dawn - Abby Character Art Next To Her Using Her Innate Ability

Starting Health

Innate Ability

Potential Skills

4 HP

Fan the Hammer: When Abby right-clicks, she shoots all her remaining ammo in random directions while spinning like a tornado.

  • Make It Rain: Abby spins and fires twice as fast during Fan the Hammer.
  • Whirlwind: After reloading, Abby has +35 percent Move Speed and Reload Rate for 2 seconds.
  • Bullet Storm: +2 Projectiles, Bullet Spread +40, and Fire Rate -31 percent.

Abby is just sort of the complete package. While all the other characters had a long list of pros and cons, Abby is basically all pros. She has good starting HP, a fantastic Innate Ability with Fan the Hammer, and her Potential Skills both modify her Innate Ability and are also just strong in general.

While it might not seem like this character who fires bullets randomly on right-click is all that good, Abby is absolutely the best of the best, with the added bonus of being a ton of fun to actually play.

20 Minutes Till Dawn is available in Early Access on PC.

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