Among the many titles announced at Microsoft's E3 2019 Xbox press conference, which included appearances from games in existing franchises  as well as brand-new properties, was 12 Minutes. 12 Minutes is an interactive thriller being published by Annapurna Interactive and from Luis Antonio which premiered to the intrigue of many E3 2019 viewers.

Prior to E3's start, gamers had been wise to much of what would be presented at E3 2019's press conference for Xbox. This included presentations for Halo Infinite and Gears 5Of all that was not anticipated was Annapurna's 12 Minutes whose trailer was fairly cryptic yet straightforward at the same time.

The footage starts with a couple sitting at a table in a darkened room. The woman gives a gift to the man, calling it a surprise. However, the man is able to easily guess the identity of a surprise as an "outfit for a newborn." He then reveals that he knows about her pregnancy, much to the woman's shock. The man proceeds to predict that someone who claims the woman killed her father is coming to "hurt" the couple.

The woman denies the potential attacker's claims but in the middle of providing an alternate explanation for her father's death, the attacker knocks on the door and shouts at the couple to open the door. He identifies himself as a police officer, though the man knows the police officer is actually the attacker. The door is then broken open by the intruder who handily takes the man down in a fistfight as the woman runs away.

The rest of the trailer shows snippets of footage from other moments in the game, some light-hearted and some intense. The man yells out in frustration at the end of the trailer and slams his fists onto the floor. The trailer becomes a little less mysterious at the end when the game is described as "an interactive thriller about a man trapped in a time loop." Given the man's reaction to the woman's gift from earlier in the trailer, things start to make sense as he appears to be living out these moments over and over again.

The trailer for 12 Minutes appears to have many players interested. Published by the same studio behind the acclaimed What Remains of Edith Finch, viewers seem to also have high hopes for this title.

This and many other titles have many excited for what is down the line for Xbox. The excitement extends to such a degree that the E3 press conference has crashed Game Pass. Hopefully, gamers will soon get more information or gameplay footage on 12 Minutes in the near future.

12 Minutes will be releasing soon on Xbox One and PC.

Source: YouTube