
  • Check a walkthrough- Don't be shy about using outside help for 12 Minutes' tricky puzzles to save yourself some frustration.
  • Take breaks- Avoid burnout by pacing yourself and not trying to rush through the game in one sitting.
  • Pay attention- Every detail matters in the game, so jot down key information to keep track of clues and solutions.

Graphic adventures have struggled to attract mainstream attention since the 90s. Games like The Secret of Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, and Day of the Tentacle captured the imagination of players throughout the decade, but the genre had a sharp fall out of relevancy in the 2000s, largely due to its inability to innovate and keep up with ever-changing trends. 12 Minutes, however, is a 2021 adventure game that has no problem feeling fresh and innovative.

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12 Minutes stands out with its time loop mechanics, where players are stuck in a perpetual loop with their wife and a cop who is coming to kill them. Thankfully, the game doesn't fall into the trap of many classic adventure games: having numerous moon logic puzzles that feel almost impossible to beat without a guide. That's not to say that 12 Minutes is easy, however. Trying to achieve progress can often feel like an uphill battle. So, to help new players who need a bit of guidance, here are a few spoiler-free tips.

Updated on March 8, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: 12 Minutes is an adventure game that has somewhat of a mixed reputation among gamers. Some people feel like the game's puzzles are too obtuse to solve, while others love the star-studded cast in this adventure that brings the events of its surreal adventure to life. There are many ways that 12 Minutes can make players stumble, which is why it's important for players to learn about some tips beforehand if they don't want their progress to arrive at a snail's pace, especially with the game now arriving on Netflix.

13 There's No Shame In Checking A Walkthrough

The Solutions To Some Puzzles Can Be Frustratingly Obtuse

Image from 12 Minutes showing a close-up of a clock face.

Most people consider it heresy to check walkthroughs for any adventure game, and it's easy to see why players may judge someone who resorts to using outside help for 12 Minutes. However, players don't have to feel any shame here.

After all, the game is notorious for having puzzles that aren't well-designed, with the trial-and-error nature of the gameplay making repeated loops feel unbearably frustrating. In these cases, using a walkthrough can actually prevent players from tearing their hair out and giving up.

12 Take A Break If The Repetition Is Getting To Be A Bit Too Much

The Game May Be Short, But It's Not Necessary To Try And Make As Much Progress As Possible In One Sitting

Talking to the wife in 12 Minutes

Time loop games need to be executed properly for them to hold a player's interest. Titles like Outer Wilds understand how this mechanic can be used to great effect, but 12 Minutes makes the critical mistake of not making up for the repetition that accompanies this concept.

As a result, many people find it irritating to play this game for long stretches, and that's fine. Since the game is available via Netflix, players on their phones can easily crank out a few minutes of gameplay before stopping and preventing the experience from getting on their nerves.

11 The Broken Light Switch Is Something To Fiddle Around With

It's A Crucial Part Of The Game And Something That'll Shed Some Light On Events

Wife tired in 12 MInutes

One of the most annoying parts of the game is figuring out the significance of everything in the apartment. Despite the reactive nature of the game's many elements, some players find it annoying that some solutions bear results while others don't.

7 Thrilling Time Loop Movies To Watch If You Love Netflix's Re/Member

Re/Member was an excellent take on the time-loop trope, and viewers who enjoyed it have plenty of other films to check out as well.

The only way to make some tangible progress in the game is to knock out the assailant breaking into the couple's home by either drugging or killing the wife and then using the short-circuiting light switch to incapacitate them. Without doing this, players will be stuck in a rut for an annoyingly long period of time.

10 Leave The House When Something Fails

The Game Resets To The Start Of The Loop, Saving Precious Time

12 Minutes Husband hallway apartment door

Going through the time loop over and over again can be pretty frustrating, especially when players make a mistake that costs them the run in one particular loop. Having to wait for time to reset so that the player can start their progress again becomes quite grating after a point.

Thankfully, this is where players can simply walk out of the house to restart their loop, negating their frustration. If leaving the house is more complicated than it seems, then players can always dispose of themselves to start another loop instead.

9 Always Try Building Up Towards The Next Loop

Making Progress Is Key To Ensure That Players Can Do Things More Efficiently In Another Attempt

12 minutes game living room

Each loop in 12 Minutes marks a step that players need to take in the right direction to uncover the mystery of the narrative. As a result, each loop should be viewed as a building block that guides players towards the end.

Pursue every course of action in each loop, and think about different ways in which a particular situation can be tackled. Doing so ensures that players make some tangible progress in the game instead of repeating their mistakes in every loop.

8 Talk About Everything With Everyone

Dialogue Is A Key Part Of Solving The Overarching Mystery Of 12 Minutes

Husband with Cop tied up in 12 Minutes

The dialogue in 12 Minutes can feel really disjointed at times, because of how they're structured. However, that shouldn't deter players from exhausting all of these dialogue choices whenever they get the chance.

5 Things We Loved About 12 Minutes (& 5 Things We Didn’t)

Luis Antonio's 12 Minutes is a unique adventure game, one that has its share of positives and negatives.

This is especially true in a game where only a handful of characters can be interacted with anyway. Given the story-heavy nature of this game, it only makes sense that dialogue is going to be one of the biggest ways to uncover the mystery within 12 Minutes.

7 Pause The Game While Thinking Of What To Do

Idling Around Only Wastes The Limited Time Players Have


Given the nature of 12 Minutes as an adventure game, it's only a given that players will take some time before thinking up viable solutions to a given problem. However, time is a finite resource in the loops of this game.

While trying to think of time-sensitive solutions in a given loop, players should pause the game to avoid the frustration of having to repeat a loop once again. It's a simple yet effective technique to make 12 Minutes slightly less annoying to play through.

6 Have A Thorough Look Around In The First Loop

Accomplishing Everything In Sight Is Imperative To Making Progress

Sleeping pills in a cabinet

By the time they reach mid-game, 12 Minutes will have players running around the apartment performing all sorts of tasks in order to trigger certain events and open up dialogue options. Consequently, it's worth having a thorough look around the apartment in the first loop to get a good idea of exactly what there is to work with.

Granted, many of the items won't come into play until much later in the game, but it's handy in any point-and-click adventure game to make a mental note of every interactable item.

5 Don't Aim To Complete The Game; Aim To Learn Something New

Frustrations Can Arise In No Time If The Player Feels Like They're Making No Progress

Man talking on the phone

This tip may seem counterintuitive, but it's a good rule of thumb to have throughout the game. Despite what the name suggests, 12 Minutes isn't a game that can be rushed through, and players won't even know how to beat the game until they reach the very end. Moreover, players will have to complete multiple loops and solve almost every puzzle before they can reach the final credits, so it's not worth trying to find shortcuts.

15 Beginner Tips For The Ascent You Need To Know

The Ascent doesn't hold players' hands, and some newcomers may find it daunting. Follow these tips to survive and rise through Veles.

Instead of trying to progress as fast as possible, players should prioritize learning new information. Sure, it can be frustrating having to constantly restart at a new loop, but players should snatch at any opportunity to learn new information, as it will save them time and effort in the long run.

4 Pay Attention To Every Detail, Regardless Of How Mundane It May Seem

It's Easy To Miss Things That Will Help Players Make Sense Of This Mystery

Wife talking about faulty light switch

As one might expect in a game that is confined to a short time period, there is very little wasted dialogue and item placements. In fact, almost every sentence spoken in the game, and almost every item that can be interacted with, plays a significant part in the story.

Of course, there are some items and dialogue options that won't serve much purpose to ensure that the game isn't too straightforward, but if players go into 12 Minutes with the mindset that everything could be key information, then they'll likely pick up on clues and figure out solutions far quicker than the average person.

3 Write Key Information Down

It's Easy To Forget About The Finer Details Of This Time-Loop Adventure

Wife revealing pregnancy

Following on from the previous point, it's worth writing down any information that seems relevant. By the time players reach the midgame, they will be inundated with information that may or may not be needed to progress; and with new information being thrown at the player constantly in the opening hours, it will soon be impossible to keep track of it all.

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So, whether it be a new line of dialogue, the location of a hidden item, or a recurring environmental occurrence, players should jot it down on a piece of paper.

2 Despite What The Opening Suggests, The Protagonist Has A Good Memory

He Can Bring Up Things That Happened In Previous Time Loops To Save Precious Time

Text options to wife

12 Minutes opens with the protagonist realizing that he's forgotten his keys; for astute players and life-long fans of graphic adventures, this may seem like an important fact about the protagonist that will be helpful throughout the game. However, the opposite is the case. The protagonist actually has a very good memory, and once he has learned an important piece of information, he will retain it for the rest of the game.

Without delving into spoilers, knowing that the protagonist can remember exact details will help solve some of the game's conundrums. To be fair to the game, the forgotten key sequence may have been foreshadowing for the end of the story, but it still seems like an odd choice gameplay-wise as the protagonist's ability to remember small details and sets of numbers plays an important role.

1 What To Do In The First Three Loops

Be Warned: This Section Has Minor Spoilers

The wife tied up in 12 Minutes

For those who are in need of a little more guidance, here is a guide for the first three loops. It's worth pointing out that there are many more things that can be done in the first three loops, though it's highly unlikely that a first-time player would ever figure them out without knowing everything that happens in the game already. This guide is tailored for those who just need a helping hand for the first few loops.

12 Minutes: 10 Most Shocking Things The Player Can Do In The Game

12 Minutes might be a simple indie mystery game, but some of the things the player can do truly reveal how dark the story can get.

Loop 1

Man in the bathroom

Explore the apartment as much as possible while sticking to a natural conversation with the protagonist's wife. Follow her lead throughout the evening of having dinner with her, hearing her news, and being positive about it. When the cop arrives, simply let the scene play out, don't try to prevent anything from happening.

Loop 2

Man questioning what just happened

As soon as the second loop starts, hide in the closet - be sure to do this before the wife leaves the bathroom. She will not notice that the husband is in the closet, and after some waiting, the cop will arrive. With both the cop and wife thinking they're alone, some important details will be discussed. Be sure to look around the closet for useful items that will be important later.

Loop 3

Man in the bedroom

It's time for the protagonist to prove to their wife that they are stuck in a time loop - this is easier than it may seem. To prove that they're in a time loop, the player needs to predict two things that are going to happen. The first is to find the wrapped present (in the bedroom drawer) and predict that baby clothes are inside; the second is to click on a window and predict that there will soon be heavy rain and thunder.

This will give players the chance to question their wife about the watch and her father, ascertaining plenty of information in the process.

12 Minutes
12 Minutes

August 19, 2021
Luis Antonio