Destiny 2 Season of the Worthy is on the horizon and the Destiny 2 community feels there are some significant changes that need to be made when it rolls in. One thing has remained the same throughout both Destiny and Destiny 2—people are not happy with most of the decisions Bungie makes. Not only are people unhappy with some of the decisions that were made in Season of the Dawn, but the ideas that have been introduced already for Season of the Worthy have also seen some backlash on the Bungie forums. Here are the 10 significant changes Destiny 2 fans have exclaimed need to be changed in Season of the Worthy.

Do Not Retire Loot

Bungie has said that it will be retiring legendary loot in this next season, and this has put many up in arms. Some of the blow-back on this is a little overdone with most people assuming they will lose their favorite Destiny 2 weapons. What will likely happen is a cap will be placed on the weapons, meaning the guns will no longer be viable in the long run. So players that love a particular gun will not be able to use it for everything.

There are good and bad things about this cap. If Destiny 2 were to release a lot more viable content as well as new, good loot, the cap would be useful. However, even if Destiny 2 were to release a bunch of great content to make up for the cap, Destiny 2 retiring loot still punishes the die-hard players that are extremely attached to one particular item.

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Stop Making Bounties the Main Content

There was a heavy focus on improving bounties in Season of the Dawn. While this idea was wholesome at its core, the lack of additional content outside of bounties made season 9 into season of the bounties instead of Season of the Dawn. All these buffed bounties made the main focus of the game grab as many bounties as possible and level up the season pass and artifact. In Season 8, this was done passively as there was a lot of other content to indulge in. Nightfalls, a raid, nightmare hunts, there was a lot of new “end game content” introduced in the seasons before Season of the Dawn. Season 9 fell off a bit with this, so bringing that back in season 10 would be welcomed.

Introduce More Relevant Guns

Guns will always be hit or miss, no matter how pretty they are. However, a lot of the community feels that most of the sundial weapons are not exactly relevant when it comes to end game content. Players who like to farm a specific weapon because they know it’s going to help out in the long run are at a bit of a disadvantage with the sundial weapons. Many feel they do not hold up in the long run. don’t have much relevant use, and want to see more Destiny 2 weapons that are worth farming. They want relevant weapons that are going to make a difference in end game content.

Adjust Lobby Balancing in Matchmaking for PVP

The system in place for matchmaking is great on paper, but many have seen issues in its practical usage. Many games have outliers that create an imbalance in gameplay, and outliers should not harm the game as much as they are. This means that if a player is outside of the average skill level, the player will have to grind extra hard in PVP to win. In other words, if the player is either really good or really bad, the team will be imbalance compared to the other and the player will have to work extra hard to make up for that. Destiny 2 Lobby balancing sets a numerical value to players based on their game performance.

If the player is a ten, for example, he/she will be paired with a lot of 1s while all the 5s are on the other team. This is very rewarding for casual players, but die-hard players and new players are being discouraged due to the imbalance they experience almost every game. A possible solution to this is adjust the lobby balancing so that the system brackets a ten alone, then puts the next two best players on the other team, the next two best players on the first team and so on going by twos down the bracket so that players have a more even group. While mathematically, on paper, this system won’t make much sense, in game it will be the most practical way to matchmake.

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Bring Back Hard Content and High Stat Armor With It

destiny 2 season of the worthy keyart

There wasn’t much hard content in season 9. This was so that newer players are not discouraged, but this alienated players who truly love the game because they don’t have anything to work towards. While players can get high stat armor from raids, there was not a lot of high stat armor introduced with this season, as there was not much end game content introduced. Without hard content that rewarded high stat armor, die-hard players felt like there wasn’t a lot to go towards in the game.

End Game Content Needs XP Buff

While casual players are at about 970 light and hardcore players are at about 990 light and there is no end game content to go to, many players are left thinking… “what is this for?” If end game content was given a big xp increase, the game would feel more rewarding. Destiny 2 bounties can’t be the only place players get xp, it should be a side dish to the xp gained from end game content.

Buff Some Warlock and Titan Abilities to Better Counter the Hunter Meta

The hunter class meta is one seen in every PVP match, and for good reason. However, there should be some variety to the game. While we do see plenty of warlocks and titans in PVP matches, the majority of players use their hunter class. There shouldn’t be such an obvious imbalance in Destiny 2 classes and abilities. Players should feel confident in messing around with their characters abilities and finding new interesting ways to play in PVP instead of defaulting to the META especially if they are already in an imbalanced match due to lobby balancing.

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More Content to Utilize Armor Mods In

The changes Destiny 2 made to armor mods were received relatively well but with one draw back. There isn’t a lot of content that utilizes the specific mods. This makes the mods fun but just kind of there instead of having a specific role in the game. Players are not necessarily encouraged to grind for armor mods because they don’t have a specific utilization in the game. Bring in more content that utilizes armor mods and players will love the mods even more.

Continue to Rotate Crucible Maps

The community generally received the crucible maps that were rotated in season 9 very well. Simply put, the community wants to see more of this. Already there has been talk of bring back old maps and rotating others with the reintroduction of Trials of Osiris. Continuing to rotate crucible maps would be a good call.

Appeal to Wider Fanbase

Most of the complaints come back to one universal concept—Destiny 2 wants more traffic so they prioritize casual players, which ends up hurting the hardcore Destiny 2 fans who are in it for the long run. There is not much hard content, the weapon retirement discourages farming, matchmaking discourages top tier players, and the list goes on. If Destiny 2 wants to make the people who are most vocal on forums happy, they need to start making an effort to stop prioritizing casual players and give more attention to the needs of their true fans.

Otherwise, they are going to lose them. This doesn’t mean Destiny 2 needs to become the most hardcore looter shooter around. It just means Destiny 2 needs to bring in more content that meets the requirements of both casual players and hardcore players. Maybe there just needs to be more content in general. But the fact of the matter is that as long as Destiny continues to prioritize casual players, they will be alienating the players that are in the game for the long run and end up losing them.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One. Season of the Worthy begins March 10.

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