Released in 2008, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon is a remake of the very first entry to the Fire Emblem series. A faithful recreation of the first entry in the series, the game included numerous quality of life changes that make it the ideal version of the game to play. However, in being a faithful remake, the game had excluded numerous gameplay mechanics from other entries in the series, leading many to view the game as a watered-down experience by comparison to games such as Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn which had been released the year prior.

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As is the case with every entry in the Fire Emblem series, Shadow Dragon features a large cast of characters that players can utilize in their army. However, many of these characters range drastically in quality, so today we're going to examine the strongest units in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon!

10 Xane

An incredibly unique unit unlike any other in the series, Xane is the sole unit of the Freelancer class in Shadow Dragon. Freelancers are capable of copying the class and capabilities of their allies, giving them unparalleled flexibility. Whether one needs additional healing in the form of a Bishop, mobility in the form of a Dracoknight, or range in the form of a ballistician, Xane can adapt to any situation.

9 Sedgar

One of the two Horsemen recruited in Chapter Five, Sedgar is a perfect example of a strong pre-promoted unit. Toting some of the highest growth rates in the game, it is recommended to use the game's reclassing feature in order to turn Sedgar into a General.

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By doing so, Sedgar's growths can be utilized to create one of the tankiest and durable units in Shadow Dragon, far outclassing any units who are knights or generals by default.

8 Wolf

The second of the two Horsemen recruited in Chapter Five, Wolf has a great deal in common with Sedgar. Sharing similarly high growth rates, Wolf tends to be more offensively oriented. While it is often recommended to change Sedgar's class to a General, Wolf can be used effectively in a myriad of roles such as his starting class of Horseman or even a Berserker or Hero. No matter which class Wolf is made into, he can often serve as a strong offensive unit for the majority of Shadow Dragon.

7 Miverva

Perhaps one of the most iconic dragon riders in Fire Emblem history, Minerva is a Dracoknight who can be recruited in Chapter Ten. As a Dracoknight, Miverva has the benefit of being one of the strongest classes in Shadow Dragon, possessing excellent mobility and offense, allowing her to easily traverse maps and battle foes when needed.

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Containing solid base stats and growth rates, Miverva joins with an axe rank of A, immediately allowing her to use the strongest axes in the game. This includes the potent Hateclere which just so happens to be in Minerva's inventory when she is recruited.

6 Hardin

Cavaliers are often referred to as one of the strongest and most essential classes in Fire Emblem, and Hardin is an exemplary example of why. Immediately upon joining a player's army, Hardin is capable in every category, possessing strong base stats, excellent growth rates that ensure he'll be relevant over the course of the game, and a B rank in lances. While Hardin's contemporary cavaliers start out with low weapon ranks. This allows Hardin to use potent weaponry such as sliver lances from the word go.

5 Cain and Abel

The first units of their namesake archetype to appear in Fire Emblem, Cain and Abel are two cavaliers who are available from the beginning of Chapter One. While their base stats and starting weapon ranks may not be as strong as the previously mentioned Hardin, Cain and Abel's unparalleled availability allow them to start making an impact on one's playthrough from the very beginning.

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This extra availability also gives them plenty of time to gain experience and become notable threats within the first few chapters of the game.

4 Jagen

jagen fire emblem

Another iconic character who made a huge impact on the Fire Emblem franchise as a whole, Jagen is one of the first units available to the player, and kicked off the entire "Jagen" archetype. A Paladin with phenomenal base stats, Jagen possesses terrible growth rates that hinder his long term use. However, on the harder difficulties of Shadow Dragon, Jagen is perhaps the most important unit in the game, as he is one of the only characters who can deal significant damage to enemies. This allows Jagen to set up kills for other units in order for them to gain experience.

3 Lena

Lena is by and large one of the strongest support units in all of Shadow Dragon. Recruited in Chapter Three, Lena joins a player's army with a staff rank of C and the immensely useful Warp staff in her inventory. Immediately upon joining a player's army, she will become a player's healer of choice due to her combination of solid growth rates and high staff rank.

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Additionally, as the game progresses, players can obtain the Hammerne staff which can only be used by Lena. Hammerne is a player's primary means of repairing damaged equipment and can be used to get additional mileage out of potent weapons with low durability.

2 Jake and Beck

Across the Fire Emblem franchise, numerous games feature maps that contained ballistae; long-range artillery that can target units from across entire battlefields. While in the vast majority of games Ballistae are purely hazardous enemy-only units, Shadow Dragon includes not one, but two playable Ballisticians. Possessing similar base growth rates, Jake and Beck are both extraordinary units with incomparable range. While the ballistae they are capable of equipping often tend to be lackluster, the game's forging mechanic can be used to suit them up with devastating long-ranged weaponry that can easily take out foes from a safe distance.

1 Caeda

caeda fire emblem

It's impossible to have a conversation about strong units in Shadow Dragon without discussing one of the game's titular characters, Caeda. A Pegasus Knight available from the very beginning of the game, Caeda is often head and shoulders above every other unit in the game when it comes to quality. While Pegasus Knight's are often mobile units with suboptimal offense, Caeda's personal weapon, the Wing Spear allows her to take out numerous unit types such as Calvary in a single round of combat. While personal weapons such as the Wing Spear can usually only benefit a unit temporarily due to  their finite use, player's are capable of obtaining numerous Wing Spears over the course of Shadow Dragon, making Caeda an important offensive asset for the game's entirety.

NEXT: 10 Most Iconic Archetypes in the Fire Emblem Series