Game ZXC lists our 10 most desired new characters for the long awaited, DC Comics-filled fighting game Injustice 2. Can you guess which heroes and villains made the cut?

As is the case for any fighting game, there's an all too familiar angst amongst fans to learn which characters made the final roster. This isn't limited to any particular franchise that finds itself in the genre either, but some fight titles are based on longstanding properties that have a plethora of different mascots to choose from. One of the biggest upcoming games to fit into this category is none other than the hotly anticipated Injustice 2 – a game that pits icons from the DC Comics universe against one another in an all out, and armored, brawl.

However, the thing about the DC universe is that there are an absurd number of potential combatants to choose from. Good, bad, or in between, there are literally hundreds of different characters that could be included in Injustice 2, but we here at Game ZXC have taken the liberty of dialling down our most desired fighters to a two-hand count. Now, these aren't the most likely – and there are certainly others that should take priority – but we've compiled a list of 10 that we feel would make for some very compelling roster selections.

Without any further ado, here's Game ZXC's selection of 10 new characters we want in Injustice 2.

10 Beast Boy

After turning green and receiving shapeshifting abilities that allow him to take on the form of any animal, Garfield Mark Logan took on the monicker of Beast Boy. As a prominent member of the Teen Titans, Beast Boy is undoubtedly a popular character in the eyes of many DC fans, but the character also appeals to casual audiences as well thanks to Cartoon Network's ongoing Teen Titans Go! show. Popularity aside, the hero has potential for a unique and thoroughly promising moveset that would entail him transforming into a number of different creatures to lay the smackdown on baddies and allies alike. And his finisher? Why, turning into a T-Rex, of course.

9 Swamp Thing

As one of the more misunderstood creatures in the DCU, Swamp Thing has become a rather popular character as of late. Alec Holland was a hard-working scientist before being murdered, but the world wasn't quite done with him yet – as a body made completely out of vegetation has taken on the memories of the deceased scientist. This tie to mother nature means that Swamp Thing can control every single bit of plant life (although the creature's size and super strength certainly don't put a damper on things either), and there's not much needed to incentivize Swamp Thing to get involved with the game's narrative conflict – as the Justice League Dark member has taken on the role of protecting both nature and humanity alike.

8 Starfire

If there's one critique that can be applied to the first iteration of Injustice, it's that it left off two of the founding members of the Teen Titans. Beast Boy has already made an appearance on this list, and that makes Starfire a no-brainer when it comes time to deciding the next installment's final roster. For those that were unaware, Starfire is from the alien species known as a Tamaranean, and she's capable of absorbing ultraviolet rays in order to harness the ability to fly, maintain super strength, and launch energy-based projectiles. Indeed, this heroine would fit in perfectly with the likes of Wonder Woman and Blue Beetle.

7 Red Hood

Batman's Robin-turned-rogue, Red Hood has walked the line between hero and villain for quite some time. After being murdered by Joker, Jason Todd fell into a pit both mentally and physically before coming to his senses and joining the good guys. Even then, there's often still tension between the prominent members of the Bat Family and Red Hood, which is what makes him such an interesting character choice for Injustice 2. Admittedly, Batman already has alternate armor options that resemble the ensemble that Red Hood can often be found in, making the vigilante's appearance seem less likely, but his prominent role in Batman: Arkham Knight may tip the odds of an appearance in his favor.

6 King Shark

Aside from a few unintentional wisecracks, there are very few qualities about this villain that society would brand as redeeming – but that's what makes him perfect for Injustice 2. This is because King Shark is one of the most violent baddies running around with the likes of Batman and Superman, and he often consumes his victims alive utilizing his immense maw and ample rows of teeth. His massive stature also adds to the uniqueness of his potential moveset, something only emphasized by the fact that the villain is a literal man-shark. Face it, King Shark is the closest thing anyone is going to see to a Street Sharks resurrection, and we're okay with that.

5 Darkseid

It's puzzling that Darkseid completely missed out on the first iteration of Injustice. Given the character's stature within the DC universe as one of its most formidable and terrifying villains around, adding Darkseid to this sequel seems like an obvious decision for developer NetherRealm Studios to make. As the tyrannical ruler of the planet known as Apokolips, there's very little that this foe can't do – often going toe-to-toe with the entire Justice League. It also doesn't hurt that Darkseid is immortal, so the worst part about this villain is knowing that even if he can't best Superman in every confrontation he'll certainly outlive him.

4 Captain Boomerang

Starting off as one of The Flash's biggest antagonists, the character of Captain Boomerang became much more compelling after the villain joined the Suicide Squad. Through those exploits, fans got to see first-hand just how ruthless the man known as George Harkness really was, as he often allowed members on the team to die in front of him for petty differences or minute quarrels. What would make Boomerang so compelling in Injustice 2, however, is his unique arsenal of toys-turned-weapons. Whether lobbing exploding boomerangs, rocket boomerangs, or lightening boomerangs (the latter of which are capable of keeping up with The Flash), and the character's newfound popularity that's sure to spawn from the Suicide Squad film is sure to make him a likely candidate for inclusion.

3 Constantine

This hero will be familiar for anyone acquainted with the NBC television show of the same name, but those still left in the dark over John Constantine should quickly acquaint themselves. As someone intimately familiar with the occult, this hero has had various interactions with some of the bigger heroes in the DC universe when it comes to dealing with magic or mythical things outside of their understanding. Because of this, Constantine has become the leader of Justice League Dark, partnering with the aforementioned Swamp Thing – and even sharing a longstanding bond and friendship with the misunderstood monster.

2 Rorschach

Those familiar with Watchmen will know that the vigilante Rorschach does a lot more than write in his journal. However, they'll also know that the character doesn't currently exist within DC canon – at least, he didn't until just recently. Current events within the comics have been initiated by the Watchmen's infamous Dr. Manhattan, meaning that there's a chance for more characters from that universe to make the transition as well. The fan-favorite, masked psychopath was (SPOILER) last seen being splattered across the Antarctic tundra, but maybe there's a chance that he was instead transported to an alternate dimension. If that is the case, the cleaver-wielding, impromptu flamethrower-building, fist-throwing anti-hero may be perfect for this fight. At least, his outfit makes him a more likely candidate given the fact that he actually wears clothes – unlike Dr. Manhattan.

1 Jonah Hex

While similar looking to Two-Face, Jonah Hex has a little more grit (and sanity) than the Batman baddie. As a bounty hunter, Hex is notorious or being one of the most feared hired guns in the Wild West. Despite sparingly showcasing his heroic side, this revolver-toting rebel is largely focused on doing the job he was hired to do and collecting his hard-earned cash. While he has travelled through time, he doesn't currently co-exist alongside the main cast of DC heroes and villains. With that said, that doesn't mean that they don't come across one another every now and again, which means that a time rift could shift the notorious cowboy out the 19th century and onto the Injustice 2 roster.

Other characters such as Poison Ivy, Black Canary, Plastic Man, and Captain Cold would make for stellar additions to the upcoming DC fighting game as well, and there's a strong chance that they'll make the cut. With that said, the 10 we've selected are some of our personal favorites that standout based on their uniqueness and may not have as strong as a chance at becoming playable. With that in mind, be sure to tell us which heroes and villains you'd like to see added to Injustice 2 next year!

Injustice 2 is set to arrive for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2017.